
Aintopf is a thick, rich soup, usually served for lunch as the first and at the same time - the second dish. Aintopf is brewed on broth or water, the ingredients in it can be rutabaga, carrots, potatoes, as well as cabbage of various kinds (white cabbage, Brussels broccoli, color) and legumes - lentils, peas, beans (dry and young), cereals, pasta , meat of various kinds, smoked products and croutons (and in some recipes - even different fruits and fish). The origin of this dish is German, but traditionally this soup is prepared not only in Germany, but also in other countries: Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Spain. Sometimes light beer is added to the wine. In the culinary traditions of many European countries there are such soups.

Aintopf in German



How to cook anointopf? Boiled beef will be cut into small cubes and fried in butter in a thick-walled saucepan or saucepan. Finely chop the onion to the meat and fry until golden. Zalem all broth (you can add a glass of beer) and cook for about 10 minutes, covering the lid. We will wash all vegetables, cut them and put them in broth with meat. Fill the rice and add the chopped cabbage. Cook for about 8-12 minutes until ready, with the lid closed. Ready soup is poured into soup cups or plates and seasoned with dry spices and chopped greens. Well, the German aintopf is ready, you can serve it with crackers, better - rye. It is good to send a glass of Kümmel (German cumin vodka) to an aintopf as an aperitif.

French aintopf

In France they cook a wonderful bean stew with meat of a young lamb.



We will wash the meat, dry it with a clean napkin and fry it in butter in a saucepan, then add the finely chopped onion and carrots. We will extinguish under the lid, sometimes stirring with a spatula, before softening the carrots. Pour out the necessary amount of water, add the pod beans and diced zucchini and cook on low heat, covering the lid, sometimes stirring. Tomatoes are blanched with boiling water, peeled and cut with a knife. Add them to the soup with spices and bring it to readiness. Grind the greens and garlic and sprinkle the soup in the bowls before serving.

Aintopf with fish

You can cook a light exotic fish soup with fish.



Cut the fish fillets into cubes. Mix the lemon juice, ground black pepper and soy sauce and mace the pieces of fillet for 20 minutes. Let's cut the leeks in circles. We drop the pieces of fillet into a colander, when the marinade runs off, roll in the starch. We will heat the oil in a saucepan, lightly fry the fish cubes until a golden-brown shade appears. Add the onion, vegetables, season with soy sauce and lemon juice. We will extinguish 4 minutes. Let's cut small pineapple and ginger. Add water and cook for 2 more minutes. When serving with sprinkled powdered greens. To such a soup is good to serve rice and light table wine.