Seborrheic keratosis

Seborrheic keratosis refers to a group of dermatological diseases, a common symptom of which is a pathological increase in the epidermis. Seborrheic skin keratosis can occur at any age, but more often the disease occurs in individuals older than 50 years, and with age the number of tumors usually becomes larger.

Causes of seborrheic keratosis

Full clarity with the etiology of seborrheic keratosis is not, although the main version of the cause of the appearance of keratas on the body is the virus of the papilloma. Factors that trigger the development of skin disease are:

Seborrheic keratosis, although it refers to benign formations, presents a danger in terms of degeneration into aggressive forms of skin cancer, for example, melanoma . Individual forms of the disease, primarily a warty-like form of seborrheic keratosis, even a specialist does not externally distinguish from some forms of cancer, therefore, when specific skin formations appear, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

Symptoms of seborrheic keratosis

The most obvious sign of the disease is hyperpigmented (usually yellowish or dark brown) spots. The surface of the formations is smooth or slightly flaky, the boundaries are clearly pronounced. Most often, the spots look like warts covered with finely scaly crusts. The skin can be affected on the entire surface, with the exception of the palms and soles.

Treatment of seborrheic skin keratosis

The question of how to treat seborrheic keratosis is very significant, for those who have had keratomas, spoiling the appearance and causing anxiety for their health in the future.

Modern medicine has the following methods of treating seborrheic keratosis:

  1. Laser removal refers to the most safe and effective methods, in addition, burning out a laser beam allows bloodlessly to get rid of keratomas and does not leave scarring.
  2. A similar effect is observed when using a radio wave scalpel.
  3. The chemical elimination of plaques is carried out with the help of trichloroacetic acid.
  4. Cryodextraction is cauterization of small keratomas with liquid nitrogen.
  5. Electrocoagulation consists in the removal of keratotic stains with the help of high-frequency current.
  6. Flat formations can be removed with the help of curettage - mechanical stripping with a special tool.
  7. It is possible to remove kerat with steroid containing ointments and creams.

Having consulted a doctor, you can treat seborrheic keratosis with folk remedies.

In the arsenal of folk medicine - appliqués from grated fresh potatoes, raw beets, frosted leaves of aloe. It is good to use propolis, imposed for a day or two on the skin. The procedure with the product of the life of bees is repeated 3 times, and this is enough to get rid of the kerat.

Cure agent:

  1. Dry leaves of celandine are ground to flour in a wooden mortar.
  2. Mix with melted pork fat.
  3. It is recommended to add 10 drops of carbolic acid to the substance obtained.

Balsam from walnuts:

  1. Slightly unripe nuts are placed in a thermos and poured with warmed to 45 ° C vegetable oil (for 1 part of walnuts - 6 parts of butter).
  2. The mixture is filtered overnight.
  3. Nut balm is rubbed into the skin for two weeks.

Ointment from laurel leaves:

  1. 6 leaves of laurel and juniper leaves are crushed, mixed with butter.
  2. To 100 g of the obtained substance, 15 drops of fir oil should be added.