Treatment with olive oil

Olive oil is a very tasty and healthy product. It is widely used in the preparation of healthy and dietary foods, because it is enriched with vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids. But not everyone knows that many diseases and cosmetic problems can be treated with olive oil.

Gastritis - treatment with olive oil

This disease is characterized by the flow of inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane of the stomach. This is due to a violation of the balance of acidity of the gastric juice in the greater or lesser side. If the disease is not started on time, the inflammation can spread into the intestines and affect the deeper layers of the stomach walls.

Treatment of stomach gastritis with olive oil is suitable for cases with both low and high acidity. Apply it fairly simply:

Noticeable results will appear after 2 weeks, but for a sustained effect, gastric gastritis treatment with olive oil should be extended to 2-3 months.

Treating the liver and gall bladder with olive oil

Too fatty food causes irreparable damage to the liver and gall bladder. The fact is that for the digestion of various kinds of products in the body a certain amount of bile is allocated, and the more difficult the food for processing, the more bile it will take. As a result of malnutrition, an excessive amount of bile thickens in the gallbladder and liver ducts, which creates favorable conditions for the formation of stones, sand and accumulation of toxins in the liver.

First of all, you need to detoxify the body as follows:

For the treatment of cholelithiasis and the fragmentation of small stones, this recipe is suitable:

Treatment of hemorrhoids with olive oil

In this case, the therapy is carried out both internally and externally.

To obtain an easy, laxative effect that facilitates the emptying of the intestines without painful sensations, you need to drink 2 tablespoons of natural olive oil every morning. You can drink warm boiled water with lemon juice.

To get rid of puffiness in the lower part of the rectum, remove inflammation and reduce pain, prepare a compress of olive oil:

Hair treatment with olive oil

The product is best suited for dry and damaged hair, split ends. Olive oil is used in many ways:

Using olive oil allows you to make the locks thicker, stronger, moisturize the scalp and restore the structure of the hair.

Olive oil is a very tasty and healthy product. It is widely used in the preparation of healthy and dietary foods, because it is enriched with vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids. But not everyone knows that many diseases and cosmetic problems can be treated with olive oil.

Gastritis - treatment with olive oil

This disease is characterized by the flow of inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane of the stomach. This is due to a violation of the balance of acidity of the gastric juice in the greater or lesser side. If the disease is not started on time, the inflammation can spread into the intestines and affect the deeper layers of the stomach walls.

Treatment of stomach gastritis with olive oil is suitable for cases with both low and high acidity. Apply it fairly simply:

Noticeable results will appear after 2 weeks, but for a sustained effect, gastric gastritis treatment with olive oil should be extended to 2-3 months.

Treating the liver and gall bladder with olive oil

Too fatty food causes irreparable damage to the liver and gall bladder. The fact is that for the digestion of various kinds of products in the body a certain amount of bile is allocated, and the more difficult the food for processing, the more bile it will take. As a result of malnutrition, an excessive amount of bile thickens in the gallbladder and liver ducts, which creates favorable conditions for the formation of stones, sand and accumulation of toxins in the liver.

First of all, you need to detoxify the body as follows:

For the treatment of cholelithiasis and the fragmentation of small stones, this recipe is suitable:

Treatment of hemorrhoids with olive oil

In this case, the therapy is carried out both internally and externally.

To obtain an easy, laxative effect that facilitates the emptying of the intestines without painful sensations, you need to drink 2 tablespoons of natural olive oil every morning. You can drink warm boiled water with lemon juice.

To get rid of puffiness in the lower part of the rectum, remove inflammation and reduce pain, prepare a compress of olive oil:

Hair treatment with olive oil

The product is best suited for dry and damaged hair, split ends. Olive oil is used in many ways:

Using olive oil allows you to make the locks thicker, stronger, moisturize the scalp and restore the structure of the hair.