Blisters in the tongue

Not many people know, but the language is usually the first to react to various disorders in the work of the body. It can blush or become covered with whitish, brownish, yellowish coating. And sometimes blisters are formed on the tongue. And this phenomenon is considered one of the most dangerous. Bubbles can be located both on the tip, and on the root. They are painless, but this is no reason not to pay attention to them.

Causes of blistering in the tongue

Various factors can lead to the appearance of rashes on the tongue mucosa. The most likely are:

  1. Herpes is usually formed on the lips, but sometimes it can strike the tongue. As a rule, this happens against the background of weakening of immunity. Blisters on the tongue are located in a heap, hurt, do not allow to eat normally. And when they burst, chills begin, the temperature rises, appetite worsens, and weakness appears.
  2. With weakened immunity blisters on the root of the tongue can also appear due to candidal stomatitis . Concomitant symptoms of the disease are a burning sensation, itching, the formation of a thick, thick curdle on the mucous membranes.
  3. Vesicles with a turbid liquid inside are the first sign of chickenpox.
  4. Blisters on the tongue closer to the throat are sometimes accompanied by dental diseases: gingivitis , caries and others. In addition to the rash, the patient is suffering from pain, bleeding from the gums, redness, swelling.
  5. Eruptions often appear on the background of untreated infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Some blisters do not bother at all, others cause discomfort. In addition to blisters, there are usually symptoms such as coughing, runny nose, nasal voice, fever.
  6. Specialists are faced with such cases, where the cause of blisters at the root of the tongue are dermatological diseases - lichen, pemphigus and others. Fortunately, this is a great rarity. Lesions with these ailments become mucous only in the most neglected cases.

Treatment of rashes

First of all, we need to find out the reasons for the formation of blisters on the tip of the tongue or closer to the throat. Only the specialist can help in this. And before meeting with him you need to try to follow simple rules:

  1. It is undesirable to injure the oral cavity with hot, salty, sharp, hard.
  2. Regular mouthwashes will be helpful.
  3. Removing the pain can be a lotion with chamomile and chamomile. With acute pain, you can use an anesthetic.