Dessert from plums

Plum - a very useful fruit, which is great for making all kinds of delicacies, including desserts (especially for this cultural plum varieties).

Desserts with plums, thanks to the substances contained in them, improve the activity of the digestive, vascular and excretory systems of the human body, and also increase mood and promote a special harmonization of thoughts.

To prepare desserts from this fruit, you can use both fresh fruits and dried fruits ( prunes ), as well as jam, jams and jam from plums , plum candy and plum wine.

Here are some recipes for desserts from plums.

Dessert from plums and cottage cheese with sour cream



Cut the washed plums in half each and, if you want, halves can be divided into smaller pieces. Cottage cheese is mixed with sour cream, add vanilla or cinnamon and honey (can be replaced with sugar). We connect the plums and the curd mixture in the kremanka and mix it. Such a dessert can be served with plum juice or compote, or with tea, coffee, light dessert wines (martini, vermouth). A good option for breakfast, lunch or a night snack.

Dessert of plums and apples with yogurt



Cut the plums, remove the bones and chop the halves (this is optional). Cut the apple and remove the core. We cut the quarters into thinner slices. We will connect an apple and half of plums in kremanke and we will fill with yoghurt. We mix it. This dessert is more suitable for lunch or afternoon snack, but it is not suitable for breakfast or a night snack (yogurt is not useful at this time).

In winter, for these desserts (see above 1st and 2nd recipes) you can use plums extracted from plum jam or prunes smoked, only it must be pre-soaked in boiling water for 10 minutes, then drain the water, remove the bones and chop (or do not grind).

French dessert with plums



Plums are washed, dried, cut into halves along and remove the bones. We need a refractory shape of medium depth, we will lubricate it with oil and lay out half of the plums inwards.

We make a liquid dough of sifted flour, eggs and milk with cream. Add brandy and cinnamon (or vanilla). If desired, you can add sugar. You can mix the dough mixer, but at low speed, as it should not be too lush.

Fill the plum test in the form to the extent that their barrel is just peeking out and send the form from the klafuti to the preheated oven. Bake at a temperature of about 200-220 degrees C for 25-35 minutes. Before cutting into portions slightly cool. We serve with coffee, hot chocolate, sweet strong muscat wine.

Dessert jelly from plum wine



Plums (1-2 per serving) will be cut, remove the bones and place in the crockery. We dissolve gelatin in plum wine, strain and pour plums into the crockery. Let's put it in the refrigerator until it is surely solidified. We serve with light refreshing drinks, cocktails, light light dessert wine.