Splenomegaly - causes

In a normal state, the spleen weighs up to 600 g. If its size exceeds these values, a splenomegaly diagnosis is made - the causes of this pathology are numerous. At the same time the disease is not primary, but gradually develops against the background of other ailments in acute or chronic form during the relapse.

Disease of splenomegaly

The considered state is classified as follows:

In the first case, a slight splenomegaly provokes a moderate increase in the spleen. She reaches 1-1.5 kg in weight and is probed 2-4 cm below the costal arch.

Pronounced splenomegaly leads to a very strong increase in the organ (up to 6-8 kg). In this case, the spleen is palpated 5-6 cm below the last rib.

Factors provoking the disease

The main causes of splenomegaly - diseases of the spleen and liver:

Also pathology can provoke acute and chronic bacterial as well as viral infections:

Often, splenomegaly develops against the background of leishmaniasis, malaria and toxoplasmosis (diseases caused by simple microorganisms).

Also among the common reasons experts call fungal lesions (blastomycosis and histoplasmosis), as well as helminthiases:

The serious diseases that cause splenomegaly include:

It is worth noting that in the pathologies of hematopoiesis and autoimmune diseases, characteristic splenomegaly occurs even in the early stages of the disease. The organ quickly and strongly increases in size, reaches a weight of 3-4 kg, is easily detected even when the palpation of the epigastric region is independently felt.