Anemia Diet

An anemia is considered to be a disease in which there is a deficiency of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood of a person, this is due to the lack of iron in the body. People with such problems should follow the appropriate diet, which is based on the use of foods rich in iron and calcium.

Diet in iron deficiency anemia

Eat with this disease is necessary five times a day, and the number of proteins consumed is about 135 g. The diet for anemia includes the following products:

It is very important to include fruits and vegetables in the daily menu. Pumpkin, persimmons, carrots, apples, all these products perfectly fill the body's lack of essential vitamins and minerals. But from fried foods it is desirable to refuse, food should be high in calories, but low in fat. The diet for anemia in adults should be developed by a doctor, taking into account the individuality of the organism.

We offer you an approximate diet menu for moderate anemia:

  1. Breakfast . In the morning, you should eat any cereal cereal and vegetable salad, preference should be given to kefir or milk. Such food will improve health and give cheerfulness for the whole day.
  2. Second breakfast . Any vegetables and fruits, for your choice, the main thing is that the products are fresh.
  3. Lunch . Food at this time should be dense and varied, for example, borsch with meat, for the second - rice with chicken, from drinks - compote of berries.
  4. Snack . Millet or oatmeal porridge, and after a decoction of rose hips, which will enrich the body with vital minerals.
  5. Dinner . An excellent option for the evening will be stewed vegetables with a small amount of meat.

Also per day you need to eat up to 50 grams of sugar and up to 200 grams of rye and wheat bread.