Ayran at home - recipe

Ayran is famous for its unique useful properties, thanks to which the drink is considered an elixir of health and youth. In addition, it perfectly quenches thirst and saturates, relieves the symptoms of a hangover, and is also an excellent component of the diet menu.

How to cook ayran at home - recipe



The simplest recipe for cooking ayran at home is an option that involves the use of ready-made chilled home-made natural yogurt. It is necessary to beat it well with a mixer to a splendor, adding the mineral water and salt to taste in the end of the process. This recipe is especially popular in Turkish cuisine.

How to make ayran at home from goat or cow's milk - prescription



If you have the opportunity to use homemade goat or cow's milk for making ayran, be sure to use it. Such ayran will be even more useful and tasty. As a starter can be used as a special mixture for ayran, and take the usual sour cream, kefir or curdled milk.

Milk pre-boil on the stove as long as possible, stirring, and then let it cool to a temperature of forty degrees. Then add the sourdough, mix thoroughly, place the mixture in a jar or other vessel, close tightly and wrap it for six hours. After a while, we put the airan for ripening and cooling on the shelf of the refrigerator, then dilute to the desired density with water, add salt and immediately use.

Ayran with greens and cucumber - recipe



Ayran can be added with greens and cucumbers, which will make its taste even more refreshing and appetizing. To make such a drink, pour kefir or natural homemade yogurt into a bowl or other container, add salt, finely chopped fresh herbs, grated or a small-sliced ​​cucumber and mix the mixer to a splendor and airiness. At the end of the whipping procedure ayran is poured with a thin trickle of mineral sparkling water. Note that all the components before mixing must be pre-cooled in the refrigerator, and when feeding into ayran, you can additionally put several pieces of ice.