Lose weight in the old-fashioned way

What is the charm and charm of old recipes for weight loss?

First, these recipes have been tested for centuries, and those that have survived to this day are the most reliable. Secondly, their absolute majority is associated with natural herbs and fruits, and not with suspicious synthetics. Thirdly, most of the infusions, broths and other products grow in our homes, and accordingly our body will perceive them more easily than any overseas grass, from which an allergy may occur.

Well, and finally, fourthly, the beauty of losing weight in the old fashion is that domestic herbs are cheaper and more affordable than imported ones, which in our time is important.

In general, all this should motivate us to start a new phase of weight loss, under the name - we grow thin in the old manner.

How did you lose weight?

What of the many ancient recipes can be recommended today for those who want to lose weight without side effects?

Let us single out, for starters, three important sources of superfluous weight:

  1. Increased appetite , and as a result - unbearable food.
  2. Accumulated body slag and excess fluid.
  3. Sedentary lifestyle.

So, let's go in order.

  1. Since we are losing weight in the old fashion, and, accordingly, on the herbs, so to speak, the folk medicine chest, we will try to reduce the appetite by applying a decoction of flax seeds, the root of the althaea, Angelica. One teaspoon for a glass of hot water (but not boiling water!) And the broth is ready. Give him some time to stand and take half an hour before eating.
  2. We shall get rid of excess liquid and slags with decoctions of plantain, leaf cranberries, field horsetail. These excellent diuretics help to lose weight, while simultaneously clearing your body of toxins and toxins.
  3. You are tired at work, you do not want to do anything and seductively spend the evening at the TV ... Drive away such thoughts! We are losing weight in the old way, which means that our broth will help to drive away the spleen - we use toning plants, such as ginger, rosemary, lemon grass. All of them, not to mention ginseng, will give you the cheerfulness of body and spirit. You will want to go for a walk, or maybe run. Do not sit at home, move more. Then, standing on the scales, you will be pleasantly surprised!

All these very simple recipes came from deep antiquity and tested by many generations, when people did not yet know synthetic products. Treating and losing weight in the old manner is very fashionable, useful and economical.

In the old days for losing weight, merchants and merchants traveled to the waters of Carlsbad (Karlovy Vary), Baden-Baden, etc. A simple people enjoyed decoctions and Russian bath. And often the effect was greater. But here it is necessary to make a reservation - a bath with a therma does not suit everyone, but it is strictly contraindicated to the heart. So you need to consult a doctor beforehand.