High fever in the child and cold extremities

The health of the baby excites every mother. Because parents are so worried if they notice any changes in the state of their crumbs. One of the symptoms that causes anxiety is the fever in the baby. It is known that there are many reasons that can provoke such a reaction of the body. Therefore, it is so important to show the doctor in time, so that he can give the necessary recommendations. But parents will need knowledge about what to do if the thermometer shows high values. And also we must remember that you can face some nuances, which you must pay attention to. For example, it is necessary to understand how to act if the child has a high fever and at the same time cold extremities.

Causes and necessary actions

Most often, a fever is a natural reaction to an inflammatory disease. Interferons are being developed against it, which play an important role in the fight against infections and viruses. Because you can not immediately take antipyretics. If the baby is well tolerated by fever, then medicines should be given only if the thermometer reaches 38.5 ° C.

Parents should carefully monitor the condition of the crumbs. Usually, with fever, the limbs are warm, and the skin becomes red. This is absolutely normal. But it happens, parents notice the child's fever, but at the same time he has cold hands and feet. Also to guard a caring mother is the pale skin of the baby.

The reason for this reaction is a vasospasm, because of which the body does not give off heat. Parents should take measures aimed at normalizing blood circulation. When a child has a high temperature, but cold feet and hands, then, first of all, you need to warm him. To do this, you can use the following methods:

Only after this can be used antipyretic drugs. When the child has high temperature cold hands and feet, you can not use cool enemas, as well as injections. Also, do not grind. You can give the medicine in the form of tablets or syrup, for example, Nurofen will do. In addition to antipyretics give antispasmodic, you can give No-shp in the age of dosage. If nothing helps, then you need to call an ambulance so that doctors can prevent seizures and their consequences.