Hives - treatment of all types of rash

Urticaria is dermatitis in the form of pale pink blisters, which itch. The common name pathology was due to the similarity of the appearance of the rashes with burns from the leaves of the nettle. This rash is considered polyethic (its appearance provokes several factors at once), which complicates therapy.

Urticaria - types and treatment

The disease under consideration proceeds in a variety of forms, their number is gradually increasing. The reason for this diversity is the individual reaction of the immune system of a particular organism to a combination of certain irritating factors. Some types of hives occur more often than others:

Cold urticaria - treatment

Successful therapy of the described type of urticaria rashes assumes the maximum possible limitation of contacts with the provocateur of the disease. Treatment of cold urticaria requires the following rules:

  1. Wear warm and natural clothes made of cotton or linen, put on a hat.
  2. Avoid hypothermia, even lungs, including swimming in water, exercise on the street.
  3. Do not drink ice-cold drinks or too cold food.
  4. Before leaving the house, apply special protective equipment to the skin (Uryazh Barederm, Floresan Winter, Mustela Cold Cream and others).

Another necessary measure when urticaria occurs is the treatment with antihistamines. Allergists prefer to prescribe medicines of the second generation:

Allergic urticaria - treatment

To select adequate and safe therapy in this situation can only the doctor. The appointment of pharmacological means involves confirmation of the diagnosis and the determination of the stimulus to which the immunity has reacted. One of the typical signs that an allergy has started: urticaria - treatment involves the complete exclusion of any contact with its pathogen. Additionally, a specialist will recommend an effective antihistamine, and a symptomatic topical preparation:

Chronic urticaria - treatment

This is the most difficult variant of the current urticaria. Modern recommendations for the design of therapy for recurring rashes include a 3-step approach. Here's how to treat hives of chronic form:

  1. Reception of antihistamines of the 2nd generation (Claritin, Zirtek, Clarinex and the like). To stop severe exacerbations of the disease, systemic glucocorticoids - Triamcinolone, Prednisolone, Dexamethasone - can be used.
  2. Increasing the dosage of antihistamines, adding other antiallergic drugs or leukotriene antagonists (Montelukast).
  3. Replacement or addition of the current scheme with potent H1-histamin blockers (Sinekwan, Atarax, Hydroxysin, Doxepin).

If the therapy did not help, and the urticaria returned - the treatment is reviewed, it includes immunosuppressants (Sirolimus, Cyclosporine) and anti-inflammatory medications (sulfasalazine, Dapsone). It is important to constantly monitor the severity of the symptoms of a chronic illness, because it often causes angioedema.

Acute hives - treatment

Therapy of this type of urticaria rash is identical to the conservative approach, which is used to relieve the recurrence of a slow-growing form of pathology. It is advisable to begin treatment of hives at once to prevent its transition to a chronic type. If the acute disease is accompanied by Quinck's edema and other severe conditions, Epinephrine, intravenous administration of Prednisolone and oxygen inhalations are additionally prescribed.

Local medications are recommended when the rash inflicts pain, occurs on sensitive areas of the skin, or hives on the face appear - treatment includes cooling, antipruritic and anesthetic lotions:

Idiopathic urticaria - treatment

The described form of the disease is diagnosed in those rare cases when one can not even guess the cause of pathological rashes. With this kind of urticaria, only a doctor can prescribe a cure for urticaria. It is dangerous to take any medicines independently, they are able to cause an allergic reaction and worsen the course of the disease, provoke angioedema.

When there are individual itchy blisters on the skin, you should immediately contact a specialist. A qualified doctor will be able to confirm that the urticaria is progressing - he will immediately prescribe the treatment with antihistamine drugs. The expediency of using other pharmacological agents will depend on the effectiveness of the antiallergic tablets.

Hives - how to treat at home?

Independent therapy is undesirable, especially with the frequent or systematic occurrence of urticaria rash. It is important to find out why urticaria appears - treatment at home helps only from the symptoms of the disease, so it serves as a temporary measure to relieve the condition. The correct therapeutic approach involves identifying the causes of pathology, their elimination and the absolute elimination of factors that provoke skin damage. For the most accurate diagnosis you have to visit a doctor.

Hives - treatment, preparations

A person who often suffers from urticaria should always have appropriate medications in the medicine cabinet in order to help himself in time. It is necessary to buy antihistamine tablets from hives of 2nd generation:

If life-threatening or severe seizures occur, you should always have Epinephrine or Andrenalin in the form of an autoinjector. Still need glucocorticosteroid hormones:

To prevent recurrences of urticaria, it is important to adhere to a diet that limits the consumption of irritant products, completely eliminate any contacts with damaging factors, and minimize the intake of medications. Even hypoallergenic drugs for urticaria and Quinck's swelling are undesirable. Pharmacological agents often cause pathological skin rashes.

Hives - treatment with folk remedies

The use of alternative natural recipes for urticaria rash is inappropriate. It is especially dangerous if it was not possible to find out why hives appeared - folk treatment is based on the use of herbal ingredients, which are the strongest allergens. Admission and external application of such drugs only worsens the condition.