Apple kvass

Delicious apple kvass perfectly quenches your thirst in the hot summer days, and in winter will please everyone with its amazing and fresh taste. The recipe for making this drink is simple enough and does not take much time and energy from you. Let's consider with you how to make apple kvass at home.

The recipe for apple kvass



So, take apple juice, pour it into a deep enamel saucepan, pour in the sugar, put dry yeast and instant coffee. Then mix everything, pour warm boiled water and tightly close the lid. We keep the beverage at room temperature for 24 hours. From the time of aging kvass in the heat, depends on its taste as a result. The longer the kvass from apple juice is in the heat, the better it will wander and the more saturated it will turn out. After a day, we gently filter the drink through gauze or sieve, pour on bottles and clean in the refrigerator. We serve the ready-made apple kvass chilled, pouring it over high glass goblets.

Apple kvass without yeast



We take ripe apples, mine, we dry with a towel and, together with a peel and a core, we rub on a large grater. Next, the apple mass is transferred to a deep saucepan, poured in pre-cooked or bought bread kvass. All the good stir, carefully filter the resulting drink through a sieve or gauze and add sugar to taste. We pour out the ready-made apple kvass in bottles and store it in a cool place, but it is best in the fridge for not more than a week.

Want to taste unusual kvass? Then prepare beet kvass , or kvass from birch sap .