How to cook rice in a steamer?

Rice has long and reliably occupied his place of honor on our table. It is a delicious, healthy, dietary product that perfectly matches any garnish. And just boiled and seasoned with spices rice is very pleasant to taste.

One of the best ways to cook rice is to cook it in a double boiler, because that's how it keeps the most useful elements.

How to cook rice in a double boiler?

Rice is also good because it will not be difficult to cook it in a double boiler. Before making rice in a double boiler, it should be thoroughly rinsed several times, then placed in a bowl, pour water into the base of the steamer and pour the rice itself in a bowl with a glass of water.

How much to cook rice in a double boiler depends on what kind of readiness you need. If you need a fully prepared rice, then you should cook for 35-40 minutes, if you are preparing rice for later use, for example in cabbage rolls, then pour it into half a glass of water and cook for 20 minutes. In the bowl to rice, you can add any spices, and it should be mixed once during cooking.

Rice with chicken in a double boiler

If you need to prepare a full dinner in a short time, we will tell you how to cook rice in a steamer with chicken fillet.



Chicken my fillet and cut into slices about 1 cm thick. Add spices, spoon of mayonnaise, salt, pepper to the fillet, mix it all and let it marinate for at least 1 hour. At this time, the rice is soaked for 30 minutes, then drain the water and transfer it into the bowl for the steamer.

Fill rice with a glass of salted water, pour water into the steamer, put the bowl of rice on the first level, put the fillets on the second and put the steamer on for 40 minutes. 5 minutes before cooking, sprinkle with rice greens. While the food is being cooked, we make a sauce, mixing sour cream, mayonnaise, mustard, greens and chopped garlic. We take rice and chicken, pour the sauce and serve it to the table.

Rice for rolls in a double boiler

Note that in order for you to get a crumbly rice in a steamer, the most important thing is to choose the right kind of rice, for example basmati, but for rolls you should buy a special sushi rice that sells in stores.

The recipe for cooking rice for rolls in a double boiler is similar to the preparation of ordinary rice. Its main thing to rinse well, once 5-6, and then put in a bowl for rice, pour a glass of water and cook for 25 minutes. But you need to monitor the process, as cooking depends on the type of steamer, the amount of rice, etc. You can set the timer for 20 minutes and, if necessary, turn it on again.

While the rice will be boiled, you need to make a dressing for it mixing 5 tbsp. spoons of apple or wine vinegar, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt. Put all this on the fire and heat until the sugar and salt dissolve. Then allow to cool and fill the finished rice. Only do it carefully, pour in not all liquid at once, but in two stages, so that rice does not turn into a mess. Then you can prepare your favorite rolls for any recipe.

Delicious rice in a double boiler

Dishes from rice in a double boiler are light and delicious, and they cook without problems, and the following recipe is a confirmation.



Rinse rice several times, place in a cup for cereals, pour water and salt. At the base of the steamer, pour water and set it for 15-20 minutes. When the rice is ready, add butter to it, stir, sprinkle with grated cheese and put in the steamer for another 3-4 minutes.