Artificial respiration

The need to do artificial respiration and indirect heart massage occurs in cases when the injured person can not breathe independently and the lack of oxygen threatens his life. Therefore, everyone should know the technique and rules of artificial respiration to help in time.

Methods of artificial respiration:

  1. From mouth to mouth. The most effective method.
  2. From the mouth to the nose. It is used in cases when it is impossible to open the jaws of the injured person.

Artificial mouth-to-mouth breathing

The essence of the method is that the person providing help blows air from his lungs into the lungs of the victim through his mouth. This method is safe and very effective as first aid.

Artificial respiration begins with the preparation:

  1. Unbutton or remove tight clothes.
  2. Lay the injured person on a horizontal surface.
  3. Under the back of the person put the palm of one hand, and the second tilt his head so that the chin is located on the same line with the neck.
  4. Put the roller under the shoulder blades.
  5. Wrap your fingers with a clean cloth or a handkerchief, examine them with the mouth of a person.
  6. Remove, if necessary, blood and mucus from the mouth, remove dentures.

How to do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation:

If the artificial respiration is done by the child, the injection of air should not be carried out so sharply and produce a less deep breath, since the volume of the lungs in children is much less. In this case, repeat the procedure every 3-4 seconds.

At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the flow of air into the lungs of a person - the chest should rise. If the expansion of the chest does not occur, then there is an obstruction of the airways. To correct the situation, you need to push the victim's jaw forward.

As soon as independent breaths of a person are seen, one should not stop artificial respiration. It is necessary to blow in at the same time as the victim's breath. The procedure can be completed if deep self-breathing is restored.

Artificial mouth breathing in the nose

This method is used when the victim's jaws are strongly compressed, and the previous method can not be performed. The technique of the procedure is the same as when blowing mouth-to-mouth air, only in this case it is necessary to do exhalation in the nose, holding the mouth of the affected person with the palm of your hand.

How to make artificial respiration with closed heart massage?

Preparation for indirect massage coincides with the rules of preparation for artificial respiration. External massage of the heart artificially supports blood circulation in the body and restores heart contractions. It is most effective to spend it simultaneously with artificial respiration, in order to enrich the blood with oxygen.


Care must be taken to ensure that no pressure is applied to the ribs and upper chest, this can lead to fracture of bones. Also, do not put pressure on the soft tissues at the bottom of the sternum, so as not to damage internal organs.