How much to drink water to lose weight?

If you count how much you drink water per day (and even if you take coffee, tea, and various drinks), alas, it's much less than normal. What can you do, statistics say that most of the world's people suffer from dehydration and for this it is not necessary to live in the Sahara.

The question is how much to drink water arises solely in order to lose weight. But already it's nice, because you know how much water consumption affects the loss of excess weight .

How important is water in losing weight and not only

Our brain is 75% water and, as Hercule Poirot said, from the dehydration, first of all, the gray cells of our brain are affected. Water "flushes" the body, the findings of decay products, toxins, which are especially active when you deliberately lose weight.

Suppose you are on a diet and really lose weight (witness - floor scales). Do not forget to think about how much to drink water with a diet.

Fats split, but where do they go? You need to especially actively disintegrate products, and for this you should increase the consumption of water.

On protein diets, fluid intake should be the highest - from 2 to 2.5 liters per day.

Vegetable, fruit and carbohydrate weight loss methods allow consumption of up to 2 liters.

If you decide to eat for the purpose of active fission of fats, understand that fats simply do not dissolve completely inside of you, but form toxins that you either excrete or poison yourself.

WHO standards

The World Health Organization also spoke about how much water people should drink.

So, for each kg of body weight, 30 ml of fluid.

However, for a person with underweight, there is a formula for how much water to drink.

For every first 10 kg of weight, 100 ml, for each following 10 kg - 50 ml, and for the rest of the weight - 15 ml / kg.

Water and temperature

Water regulates a constant temperature in our body. Therefore, when you calculate how much to drink water for weight loss , do not forget to include in the calculation and time of the year.

If the air temperature is up to 21 degrees - the norm is 1.5 liters, if the temperature is up to 29 degrees - the rate increases to 1.9 liters, if above 32 degrees - you need to drink 3 liters.

Now it seems to you that 3 liters is too much, and it makes no sense. But the people of Cuba would answer quite differently. The climate of Cuba leads to the fact that a person loses much more moisture than in most other countries of the world. As a result, living there and consuming your 1.5 liters, after 2 years you will find kidney stones. Cubans are literally forced not to part with plastic bottles of water and every half an hour to drink 200 ml.