Pork in soy sauce

To make the meat soft and juicy, before cooking it is often marinated. Below you will find several recipes for pork with soy sauce.

Pork fried in soy sauce



Meat cut into pieces of the desired size across the fibers and lightly beat off. Now we do marinade, for which garlic is passed through the press and we add it to soy sauce. Now we taste it, if we want the meat to be more salty, then the sauce can still be poured, if on the contrary, you can add boiled water to it. For pork to acquire a beautiful golden hue, add the paprika to the marinade.

Prepared meat put in a deep bowl, pour marinade and mix well. Now leave the meat to make it mute. The more it will stay in the marinade, the tastier and softer it will turn out. Minimum should leave it for an hour. In a frying pan, we warm up the vegetable oil, lay out the pork marinated in soy sauce, and fry it on both sides on a fairly strong fire until ready.

Pork in soy sauce in a multivark



Pork is mine, and then cut into slices. Onions cut into half rings. Fold the meat with onions in a deep bowl, add salt and good hands. Then add the soy sauce and put it in the refrigerator for an hour at 3. We lubricate the cup of the multivark with vegetable oil, lay out the meat with onions. Choose the program "Hot" and cooking time 15 minutes. During this time, the meat should be mixed several times. Then pour the remaining sauce, which marinated meat, water and set the cooking time 1 hour.

Pork in honey-soy sauce



Cut the meat into large slices. For the sauce combine mustard , honey and soy sauce, mix to get a homogeneous mass. We put the meat in a bowl, pour in the sauce and mix, so that each piece is covered with it. We send pork to the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Such meat is excellent to cook on the grate on the coals. But at home you can use the oven. Put pieces of meat on a baking tray and at a temperature of 180-200 degrees bake the meat until ready, periodically turning the pieces. Minutes for 5 before the end of the cooking process, each piece is desirable to pour the sauce, which remained after pickling.

Stewed pork in soy sauce



Ginger is peeled, rubbed on a fine grater, and garlic is passed through a press. We pour vegetable oil on the frying pan, lay garlic, ginger, chopped peppers. Fry on high heat, stirring, about 1 minute.

Lay out the meat, cut into pieces and stirring, fry for about 5 minutes. Then pour in soy sauce and mix. Then pour in water - it should cover meat by about 1/3, add salt and spices to taste. Top with sprinkled onions. Cover the frying pan with a lid and simmer the pork for about 40 minutes.

Pork in soy sauce in the oven



Grind the garlic, mix it with mustard and soy sauce, add the paprika. We pour the pork washed and cut into slices in a bowl, pour the prepared sauce and mix. For a couple of hours, leave the meat at room temperature, and then remove it for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator. After that, put it in a heat-resistant container, sprinkle with sesame and send it to the oven. At a temperature of 200 degrees, we cook about 40 minutes.