At what age is the cat sterilized?

A small fluffy kitten gradually turns into an adult kitty, and very soon the owners will face serious problems. The first is when their pet starts to announce the apartment with their yells and will constantly tear into the yard. Of course, you can try to keep it indoors, close the windows and doors to constipation. But these methods lead the animal into a state of severe stress, and the residents themselves from the noise and strange behavior of the cat are experiencing great inconvenience. And when she is able to find the mustached "chevalier" and lead the offspring, the question becomes, where to put the kids. Well, if you want to breed kittens, but if you do not need them? To spread the world of homeless cats is an ungrateful occupation. The way out can be timely sterilization of the animal.

At what age do cats sterilize?

Most veterinarians are confident that this procedure should be done starting at about 6 months of age. It is at this time that the animal reaches puberty. It is best to perform the operation before the first heat, but if you for some reason missed it, then try to protect your pet from unwanted pregnancy. A week after the stressful "marriage period" you can go to the vet.

When you can not sterilize a cat?

During estrus, it is worthwhile to refrain from this procedure. Haste may threaten complications that are best avoided. Vessels in the genitals are full of blood, and it's better to endure a week than to make an animal disabled or even lose your pet. And what should the owners do that the cat gave birth to when they can sterilize their baby? Here it will be necessary to wait a couple of months, until the cat is gone after the appearance of the offspring. So you will avoid damage to the mammary glands and possible problems with the healing of postoperative wounds. In addition, her milk will disappear, and the kittens will completely remain without food.

How old are cats sterilized?

There are no restrictions in this matter, and much depends on the health of the patient herself. Adult females are sterilized, but they are somewhat more complicated than in young animals. The risks of a breast tumor increase sharply after the second birth (about 26%), and if the animal is more than two and a half years, this procedure already does not give a warning effect. Therefore, the question of the age at which a cat is sterilized, the answer is simple - it is better to do this procedure at an early age, especially without delaying the operation. This is much more humane than overfeeding the animal with hormonal chemistry or keeping her half-life locked up in life, escaping from boring males.