Lowest calorie foods

Caloric content is the amount of energy that an organism receives from food. It is generally believed that the most low-calorie foods contain less than 100 kcal per 100 g.

To get rid of extra pounds and do no harm to health, the daily menu should include food, the calorie content of which ranges from 30 to 100 kcal per 100 g. Be sure to consider this when choosing foods for your diet.

The energy value of food depends on the chemical composition, the amount of fats and simple carbohydrates. Reduces the caloric content of water and fiber. Among the food you can identify the most low-calorie product in the world - lettuce leaves, containing only 11 kcal per 100 g. Everyone knows that purified water does not contain calories, but only it will not be full.

The most useful and low-calorie foods

This rating, of course, is led by fresh vegetables and fruits, as they supply the body with the necessary vitamins, microelements, food fibers and other useful substances. For example, the list of products that not only low-calorie, but also help to fight premature aging, includes: pomegranate, purple cabbage and broccoli, greens, red onions, red grapes, tomatoes, etc.

To remove excess liquid from the body, put in your daily menu such products: celery, cucumbers and greens.

To increase the metabolic rate and to satisfy hunger for a long time it is recommended to use: cabbage, stewed mushrooms, herbs, berries, citrus fruits, pineapples and green apples.

The most nutritious low-calorie foods

Nutrition depends on the amount of pure high-grade protein, but such food has no taste and is almost neutral. Therefore, for its preparation, it is recommended to use herbs, seasonings, berries, fruits and vegetables.

Products that contain between 60 and 120 kcal:

Choose them for basic meals. They increase the metabolic rate, and also reduce the level of sugar in the blood.

Lowest calorie foods for weight loss

Dishes and foods that vary the diet, but do not affect the figure:

  1. Green salad . The dish, prepared from green vegetables, will give the body the necessary energy. In addition, it will contain many vitamins and minerals that are needed for digestion of foods and the normal functioning of the digestive system, and not only. For refueling, you can use lemon juice or natural yogurt.
  2. Oatmeal . This is an excellent source of useful carbohydrates, which will allow you to normalize your weight, ideally suited for breakfast. To diversify the taste, use fruits , berries or cinnamon.
  3. Natural dark chocolate . The only dessert that can be eaten in moderation when losing weight. But still it contains sugar, so it is allowed daily, there is not more than 50 g.
  4. Red pepper . This product can be used to make salads or as a separate snack to get rid of hunger. It consists of antioxidants and vitamins, which will improve the skin condition.
  5. Avocado . Today this fruit is used for making desserts and salads. It also has fiber and healthy fats, which will have a positive effect on the figure. Also avocados will improve the skin condition and reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

To get rid of extra pounds and maintain weight in a normal state, it is recommended that these foods be included in the diet.

Table of the Lowest Calorie Products