Why is the berry useful?

Doctors say that this berry helps to restore the body after various colds, and even after surgery. We will talk about the usefulness of the berry and the substances it contains, today.

Useful properties and contraindications berries irgi

This sourish berry contains only carbohydrates, it has neither fats nor proteins, so it should be carefully eaten by those who adhere to the low-carb diet plan. The main benefit of berries is that it has a lot of vitamin C and pectin, so it helps to restore the immune system, remove toxins and even heavy metals from the body. Pectins reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, strengthen the heart muscle and help to increase and maintain the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

The high content of antioxidants in this berry makes it excellent a means of preventing cancers and Alzheimer's disease, in addition, it helps to get rid of depression, and helps to keep youth and skin elasticity for a long time.

Useful properties of berries irgi for children and adults are also in the fact that it contains tannins and malic acid. Both these components are necessary for the human body, since they help to strengthen all its systems, normalize the digestive and metabolic processes. Even a small handful of berries helps to reduce chronic constipation or increased gas production , both in children and in adults.

Speaking about contraindications, it should be noted that this berry is not recommended for people with low blood pressure, since it has the property of lowering it even more. With caution, you should use it and allergies, they may develop hives or other similar reactions.