Placental abruption in late pregnancy

Pregnancy is a big and responsible affair, even if we consider that this process is inherent in a woman by nature. In connection with the deteriorating ecology, not very high-quality food, a sedentary lifestyle, the future mother to endure the baby and never encounter problems, is now considered a good indicator of good health. The lucky ones, who have nothing to complain about, are getting smaller every year and, starting from early terms, many women are under the strict supervision of doctors. But, it happens that the problems begin not in the first months, but in the late stages of pregnancy and one of them is an abruption of the placenta from the mucous uterus.

Why does detachment occur?

The causes of placental abruption in late pregnancy are different, and some future women in labor do not even think that, for example, smoking can lead to this serious condition and the death of the baby. The most common reasons are:

Another reason why placental abruption occurs during late pregnancy can be a blow to the abdomen, as well as any violence against the future mother.

Symptomatology with placental abruption

As a result of what degree of placental abruption in later terms is determined in women, the signs may differ from each other. The following forms are distinguished by the area of ​​exfoliation from the uterine mucosa:

  1. Light, or insignificant abruption of the placenta. The only symptom that produces this condition is a scant discharge of dark color from the perineum. When examining the future woman in labor, the doctor finds out that the baby's palpitation does not suffer, the uterus is not tense and there are no painful sensations in the abdomen.
  2. Average (detachment by 1/4 of the entire surface). Symptoms with placental abruption in late pregnancy occur suddenly or develop gradually. The very first sign that the future mummy should watch out for is the pain in the abdomen with the discharge from the genital tract of dark or scarlet blood with clots. In this case, the stomach becomes "stone" and may be in this state for quite a long time. In addition, if you do not provide medical assistance, the woman becomes pale, and the skin becomes covered with a cold sweat. There is a decrease in blood pressure and rapid breathing.
  3. Heavy form (detachment 2/3 of the entire surface). Determine the detachment of the placenta of this degree in later terms can be as a sudden, sharp pain in the abdominal area, and the fainting condition of the future mother: pallor, dizziness, weakness, sweating. Symptoms develop very quickly and literally within 10 minutes, after the appearance of the first, it will be possible to observe the asymmetry of the tummy with visible swelling in the area of ​​blood accumulation, its soreness and swelling. In addition to internal bleeding may not appear abundant blood discharge from the perineum, but this does not happen to all future mothers.

Why is it urgent to call an ambulance?

Doctors explain, than threatens an abruption of a placenta on late terms, if the pregnant woman had a pain in a stomach with simultaneous occurrence of a blood from sexual ways or occurrence on a tummy of a tumescence is a greater risk of destruction of a fetus and strong internal bleeding at the future mummy. It should be understood that the faster the medical care will be provided in these situations, the greater the chances that the child will not suffer from hypoxia and will survive, and the future woman in labor will be stopped by bleeding and treated accordingly.