Is it possible for pregnant women to go to the sauna?

If at a time when the steam room was the only place to bathe, women did not even think about the harm or benefit of sauna and bath during pregnancy, then modern moms are already well-read about the consequences of such procedures. Not every body can survive them even in normal condition, and what to say about pregnant women!

Pregnancy and sauna, myths and reality

For our body there is no difference where to bathe, in a sauna or in a bath.

Contra-indications for finding in a sauna can be oncological diseases, various infectious diseases of respiratory ways, skin pathologies, heart diseases, tuberculosis and complicated pregnancy. As you understand, the main word here is "complicated." For future mothers who do not complain about health, there are practically no contraindications to visiting a sauna or a bath. Caution should be women with the threat of premature birth, the threat of termination of pregnancy, gestosis, bleeding. They should avoid these establishments. The rest should always consult a doctor who adequately assess the situation, and be able to warn about the possible consequences in your case.

Why can not pregnant women in the sauna, if the whole treatise is written about its usefulness? Can or can not be pregnant in a bath? If you address this issue to obstetrician-gynecologists, then, most likely, they will forbid the pregnant woman to visit the steam room.

How useful is the sauna and sauna?

But our ancestors believed that going to a bath for a woman is even very necessary. And even the birth took in the bath. Long since people built baths not only to wash themselves, but also to cleanse the body, soul, relax and recharge with positive energy. Pregnant women have visited baths with pleasure, as visiting the steam room has a positive effect on the respiratory system (bronchi dilates), the circulatory system. So, sauna and bath are excellent preventive means, helping to avoid "catarrhal" diseases, as well as curing cough and runny nose.

Due to the difference in temperature, the sauna helps to strengthen immunity, but note that this feature of the bath can be dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy.

Also useful properties of a bath is an excellent way to prevent fetal fetal hypoxia and gestosis of pregnant women. Being in the sauna will help to relieve the increased tone of the uterus.

The pairs respond well to the muscles, the skin (the bath is irreplaceable for the prevention of stretch marks), bones and tendons, internal organs. In a sauna or bath, skin diseases such as urticaria, pruritus, dermatotoxicosis during child bearing can reduce their appearance and even disappear.

It is proved that in pregnant women who regularly visited the steam room, pains were much less frequent during childbirth, in which it is necessary to take antispasmodics and analgesics. This is due to the fact that due to the sauna visit, the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus increased, and excessive muscular tension decreased. The bath positively influences the psychological state and the vegetative nervous system of pregnant women.

If you have varicose veins, then you go straight to the bath. So you can increase the tone of the walls of blood vessels. It is noticed that after giving birth to lovers of saunas and baths bleeding occurs much less frequently, and blood loss during labor is not great for them. Women who visit the steam room are less likely to suffer from thromboses, which is proof that the steam affects the mechanisms of blood clotting.

Rules for visiting a sauna and sauna during pregnancy

First, the sauna during pregnancy can be recommended only to an absolutely healthy woman. To sit in a steam bath pregnant should not be more than 5 minutes. With malaise, it is better to leave the sauna at once, baths in the waiting room. There to stand under a cool shower, swim in the pool or just sit on the bench.

It is better to choose the Russian bath, since the normal temperature to 85 degrees and high humidity (and in the sauna dry steam) contribute to a better perspiration, provided your well-being. The effect of a Russian steam room in a sauna can be obtained by reducing the temperature and pouring stones with water.

If you are afraid of catching infections in the sauna, then use proven means for intimate hygiene. It is necessary to put them on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs. So you can increase local immunity and protect yourself from penetration of fungi and bacteria.

In the steam room, you can walk up to the most childbirth, and you need to resume visiting these establishments only 2 months after them. Going to the bath, do not forget about safety. It is better if you prepare a felt cap on your head and rubber slippers in advance. Remember that the head should always be closed. Take a bottle of still water, a broth of dogrose, herbal tea. Be sure to drink in the breaks between the steam room, as the more you drink, the faster the sweat is released, and with it excess slag and salt are removed.

In order to cool the body after a steam bath, dive into the pool with your head.

Do not overstay. Do a few short visits. Attend the bath at least once a week, and stay there for several hours.

Be sure to go to the sauna, bath in rubber slippers, and on the shelf, lay your towel or litter.

Pregnant women can visit the steam room in special groups for pregnant women, where they will always be accompanied by an instructor. If you do not want to go in a group, be sure to take someone with you. Just in case, take with you antispasmodic tablets.

Infrared sauna in pregnancy

Now more and more you can hear about infrared saunas, which were developed by Japanese scientists. Infrared sauna during pregnancy can be used, but it is better with the permission of the doctor. It operates already from the first minutes and is considered useful for organization. The increase in body temperature has a sedative effect on the majority of painful microscopes. The body is freed from accumulated toxins.

Do not forget about the sauna, sauna and after childbirth. They will help to quickly recover to the body, and, with proper observance of the rules of being in the steam room, you will get not only pleasure, but also make a contribution to preserving your health.