Serum for weight loss

"Milk water," as it was called ancient, is extremely useful, and they knew about it. This amazing product is the bearer of a unique complex of vitamins and nutrients that can render invaluable service to the human body.

Why is serum useful?

The composition of whey includes vitamins A, C, E, the whole group B, as well as nicotinic acid and probiotics. The product is rich in serum bacteria, contains choline, which fights harmful cholesterol: it cleans vessels of cholesterol plaques, helps to reduce the concentration of so-called saturated fats in the blood. And the calcium , so necessary for us for fortress bones, surprisingly, after the preparation of cottage cheese is almost completely ... remains in the serum! It helps reduce blood sugar, which means it prevents diabetes and, of course, dairy whey for weight loss is an indispensable product.

How to lose weight on the serum?

Excess weight, as a rule, is either an incorrect metabolism or problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, so the use of the serum for weight loss immediately becomes obvious: it removes excess fluid from the body, perfectly cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, beneficially affects the kidneys and heals "Silent toiler" of our body is the liver.

Milk whey, of course, is good for losing weight, as it prevents the formation of putrefactive bacteria in the intestine.

It should be separately said about dietary nutrition . During this period, a diet on the serum for weight loss is effective. Since we are dealing with a low-calorie product, you can consume it throughout the day without restrictions. The diet can include vegetables and fruits with a low sugar content, lean chicken meat, fish, cottage cheese. And in every meal you need to drink 1 glass of whey.