Biscuit glaze

The glaze gives the baking a terrific and insanely appetizing appearance. It is prepared quickly enough, but even an ordinary cake will immediately turn into a festive and solemn treat. The glaze for biscuits can be different: sugar, mint, honey, chocolate, etc.

Sugar glaze for biscuits



Now tell you how to prepare a glaze for cookies. So, first we take the oil, shift it into a bowl and heat it on a weak fire. Then gradually add the rest of the ingredients: milk, sugar powder, salt, and gently stir everything with a whisk until a creamy mass is obtained. In the finished mass we put vanilla to taste.

White glaze for biscuits



In the saucepan mix lemon syrup and powdered sugar, put on a weak fire and cook, stirring, until the glaze is evenly thickened.

Caramel glaze



We melt the butter in a saucepan, pour in the milk and pour out the brown sugar. Let the mass boil and boil exactly one minute. Then remove the mixture from the fire and add a little sugar powder. Good whisk, cool, put vanilla and the remaining powdered sugar. Beat again before getting the finished glaze.

Lemon glaze

This glaze has a characteristic lemon flavor and gives the finished baking an unusual and piquant sourness.



So, mix the butter, sugar powder, freshly squeezed lemon juice and carefully beat everything up to a magnificent state.

Orange glaze



Squeeze the juice from the orange through the juicer, pour into a saucepan and gradually pour the powdered sugar. Now thoroughly mix the mass, pouring powder until the glaze is obtained with the desired, slightly liquid consistency.

Color glaze for cookies

This glaze is often used even by professional confectioners. When solidified, it perfectly retains any bright colors and becomes firm. Perfect for drawing drawings on cakes and cupcakes and glazing cookies.



Let's figure out how to decorate the cookie with glaze. Sugar powder is mixed with milk, add sugar syrup, flavor to it and whisk until the glaze becomes smooth and shiny. Then we spread the mass over the cups, put in each desired colorant, mix it, and then dipped the biscuit into a colored mass, or we apply it evenly with a brush.

Glaze for ginger biscuits



Water poured into a saucepan, dissolve the sugar in it, boil it and gently remove the formed foam. Then remove the dishes from the plate, cool the finished glaze and add to taste any flavorings - vanilla, rum, almonds. Now again thoroughly cool the mass to a warm state and turn to the glazing. For large gingerbreads or ginger biscuits, we apply glaze on the brush and spread the baked goods on the grill in order to stack the excess syrup, and the remaining is frozen and turned into a gingerbread.