Basenji - description of the breed

Brighter and clearer all the characteristics of the Basenji breed can be so - it's a dog that does not bark. This breed is very ancient, its pedigree is more than 5000 years old. It first appeared in Central Africa, later it was brought to the west - to Ancient Egypt. The Basenji were given to the pharaohs as living amulets. In the tombs of the pharaohs, burials similar to basenji dogs with collars of precious stones were found repeatedly. In the Congo, they are still used as hunting.

In the 19th century. from Africa dogs of the Basenji breed were brought to England, but they did not take root there. In the early 20 century. these animals appeared in Berlin, or rather, in the Berlin Zoo, as exotic. In 1930, Mr .. again got to England, that's where the standard of the breed, which is still used, was approved. In 1941, several dogs were brought to America, after which the widespread spread of this breed began.

Basenji Description

The main uniqueness lies in the fact that these dogs do not bark, but only produce characteristic sounds - mutter, snort, even moan, but only if they are angry or nervous. Basenji is easy to recognize by wrinkles on the forehead and tightly twisted tail. Interesting is the fact that these dogs often wash their paws like cats. Just like cats, they feel dislike for water procedures. Although because of their curiosity and fearlessness often find themselves in the water. Basenji attract small sizes, an interesting color - there are individuals red-white, black and white, black-red-red and tiger. These dogs not only do not bark, but do not smell even after getting wet, they are extremely clean and almost completely safe for allergy sufferers.

The nature of the Basenji are affectionate. These are very active and independent dogs, and with an extraordinary mind. But with all the numerous pluses, the minus the Basenji is that they do not give in to training. Therefore, acquiring this breed, be patient. Also, the minus can be called the fact that the Basenji do not always get along well with the children, they sincerely love only those with whom they grew up.

Maintenance and care of the Basenji

Such a dog will not suit lazy people, sick or retired, because caring for the Basenji is, first of all, in physical activities. This dog will not lie on a warm litter or at the feet of the host. She needs constant movement. If the owner does not pay attention to the silent pupil, then he begins to actively become active and even learn it. In order not to cause destruction in the house, long daily walks and active outdoor games are compulsory. For wool care is almost unnecessary, just a couple of times a week comb out the dead.

Basenji food should not be the same type. In the diet are mandatory porridge, meat, vegetables, sour-milk products. Dry food should be selected based on the age of the dog. You can not give sweets, fish and tubular bones and do not overfeed your pet.

Since the breed was bred in the process of natural selection, without human help, the dogs have very good immunity and good health. Among frequent diseases, Basenji is a kidney disease, which, when neglected, leads to kidney failure, retinal atrophy, cataract, urolithiasis.

If you like to lie on the couch, you are annoyed by excessive fuss, then, of course, it is worth stopping the choice on another breed. And if you are energetic, full of energy and are looking for a friend who never interrupts, will always listen, will faithfully love and will not forget to wake up for a morning run, then this exclusive breed for you.