Kusudama lily

The ancient tradition of creating balls of Kusudam, originated in Japan hundreds of years ago, is popular all over the world. The original balls, used in the past with medical purposes, today are an element of decor. It is not at all necessary to fill the ball with medicinal herbs and incense, and it itself looks very beautiful. In addition, this kind of needlework does not require material costs. Paper of different colors, scissors and glue - that's all the materials!

The bowl of Kusudama consists of many elements made of paper and glued together. Often, lilies are used as a basic element of kusudama. In our master class for beginners, we will talk about how to assemble a bowl of Kusudama from paper lilies. The scheme of assembling the Kusudam ball from lilies, which are the basic modules of the craft, is quite simple, but it takes a lot of time to create flowers from paper. If you have it, you can start working.

We will need:

  1. The first thing you need to do is take sheets of colored paper and cut out squares of the same size. Take one sheet and bend it diagonally to make an isosceles triangle. Fix the fold line well. Expand the triangle and fold the sheet again in half along the second diagonal, fixing the fold. Reinstate the sheet. Then turn it on the opposite side.
  2. Next, fold the sheet in half (each fold make it clear!), Unfold, fold again in half. Raise the part and fold it so that a square is formed. The resulting double square, on the front side of which a clear diagonal crease line is visible, is the basic element in the technique of creating a bowl of Kusudama from lilies.
  3. From the closed corner of the square, bend to the middle of the element two opposite corners. Then turn the part on the opposite side and do the same with the other two corners of the square.
  4. Now it is necessary to hide all the corners that have turned out inside the part. To do this, they must first be bent and then folded inside. Hold them with your fingers.
  5. The resulting figure resembles a flower with four peaked petals, each of which is bent in half. Squeeze pairs of petals so that the figure takes the form of a diamond. Then on each side of the detail of the corners bend towards the middle.
  6. Now unfold these corners, bend the formed pocket, fold inside the details of its corners.
  7. Place the corners of the pocket under it and press the resulting diamond with a cut in the middle to the large rhombus. The upper corner of the small rhombus bend.
  8. Do the same manipulation on each of the three remaining sides of the part to get four "pages". One of them should be turned over, and from the closed side make a fold to the middle.
  9. Similarly, bend the corners and the three remaining sides of the part. After this it is necessary to open the petals of the resulting paper flower.
  10. Lily is almost ready. You just have to give the petals natural, carefully twisting their ends with a pencil. The remaining modules are made in a similar way. If you want to make a multi-colored ball of Kusudama, use a different color paper.

When all the lily modules are ready, it remains to attach them to the base of the flowers to make a three-dimensional ball. Glue the modules in pairs in order to simplify your work. To the finished hand-crafted article, attach a decorative lace so that the ball can be hung.

Other variants of Kusudam balls are classical and electra .