Laser removal of vascular asterisks

Vascular asterisks are expanded small capillaries, which can be seen on the skin with the naked eye. People prone to their occurrence can observe their appearance with age more and more often, and therefore the problem of treating this disease becomes urgent. In addition to the unaesthetic appearance that they create, these dilated capillaries indicate an unhealthy state of the vascular system, and therefore treatment should have two directions: first preventive maintenance of the disease-cause, and then eliminate the vascular asterisks.

Vascular stars are removed by a special device - a laser, which is one of the most reliable ways to get rid of this problem. Nevertheless, in addition to laser therapy, it is possible to conduct other procedures:

  1. Microcurrent therapy.
  2. Radio wave surgery.
  3. Sclerotherapy.

These methods of treatment of vascular asterisks have their pros and cons, but the most optimal is laser therapy. Before describing this method of treatment, you need to understand the causes of the appearance of vascular asterisks in order to understand the effectiveness of the laser.

The causes of the appearance of spider veins

At the heart of many diseases is the genetic factor, and the appearance of vascular asterisks is no exception. If relatives had this problem, then there is a high probability that it can occur in offspring as well. So, the first reason - congenital weakness of connective tissue.

The second reason for the occurrence of asterisks is the acquired one. Violations of metabolic processes in the liver lead to this disease as rarely as the genetic factor.

Elevated venous pressure can also lead to the appearance of vascular asterisks, especially if observed on the lower limbs.

This problem is also caused by a disorder in the hormonal system.

If the body lacks ascorbic acid, it leads to weakness of the walls of the vessels, which also leads to the appearance of dilated capillaries and asterisks.

Vascular asterisks are often accompanied by varicose veins, and therefore before their elimination it is necessary to reduce the likelihood of their appearance on other parts of the body, taking preventive measures.

Treatment of vascular asterisks with a laser

Laser treatment of vascular asterisks is based on radiation. The vascular wall under thermal action is destroyed: the beam is absorbed by the hemoglobin of the blood, which heats up, and then seals the lumen of the vessel. The laser beam acts indirectly in contrast to sclerosanate, and this is its main feature.

To remove the laser spider veins, you need to conduct several stages:

  1. Preparation. Since the spider veins do not affect nerve endings, anesthesia is usually not required. Nevertheless, for people with low pain threshold, this can be a necessary measure, which should be warned by the doctor. It is believed that this procedure does not have painful effects and it is possible to start everyday affairs immediately after it has been carried out. This indicates that special preparation for the procedure is also not required.
  2. Conducting. In order to remove vague sprouting asterisks, one to two procedures may be needed. To remove the expressed asterisks, more than two procedures will be needed. The time between sessions is 2 weeks, so to get rid of this problem on average will take several months. If the asterisks occupy an extensive area, then after removal, the patient is administered phlebosclerosing preparations that prevent the destruction of deep-seated vessels.
  3. Result. Vascular asterisks on the face in most cases disappear after 1 procedure. The more severe the disease, the longer the asterisks will remain, but at the end of all procedures they disappear without a trace. After laser therapy, slight reddening can occur on the treated area, which passes through a couple of hours.