Blood cancer - symptoms in women of all types of leukemia

Hemoblastoses combine a large group of malignant diseases of the lymphatic and hematopoietic system. They are characterized by uncontrolled division and accumulation in the tissues of immature cells of biological fluids that have lost the ability to specialize.

Types of blood cancer

Described pathologies are divided into 2 categories:

Blood cancer in women is more common in the first form, it is also called leukemia or a proteinosis. According to the type of current, acute and chronic malignant diseases are distinguished. In the first case, leukemias come in the following forms:

The chronic form of the disease is represented by such leukemias:

The first signs of blood cancer in women

During the progression of leukemia a huge amount of immature leukocytes accumulate in the biological fluid. They diagnose cancer of the blood - the symptoms in women are due to the deterioration of the immune and circulatory system. The composition and properties of the biofluid vary, which leads to disruption of all internal organs and provokes anemia.

Identify signs of blood cancer at an early stage is difficult, its clinical picture is nonspecific. The characteristic manifestations of this malignant pathology often accompany other diseases of the hematopoietic system. Severe symptomatology, according to which it is easy to suspect hemoblastosis, is observed later, when leukemia is rapidly progressing.

Blood cancer - stages

Physicians distinguish 4 stages of development of the described disease. Each of them has different clinical signs. Symptoms of blood cancer in the early stages are difficult to differentiate, so it can go unnoticed for several months. If the leukemia proceeds in a chronic form, its manifestations are often completely absent, and the clinic becomes pronounced already in the late phases of the progression of hemoblastosis.

Blood cancer - stage 1

Uncontrolled division of unripe leukocytes is accompanied by a sharp deterioration in the functions of the immune system. Because of weak protection of the body, the initial stage of blood cancer is characterized by increased infection and frequent respiratory diseases. Constant weakness is felt, fatigue is increased, drowsiness and apathy are observed. At this stage, sometimes more pronounced cancer of the blood - the symptoms in women:

Cancer of the blood - stage 2

Active distribution of non-specialized white bodies results in accumulation of underdeveloped leukocytes in tissues, formation of tumor neoplasms. This causes the following signs of blood cancer in women:

Blood cancer - stage 3

Rapidly progressing hemoblastosis provokes damage in all internal systems and organs, violates their functions. In this phase, blood cancer is easily diagnosed - signs of disease in women:

There are specific gender manifestations that suggest blood cancer - the symptoms in women can include:

Blood cancer - stage 4

In the late, neglected stages of leukemia, the patient's organs become overgrown with malignant tissues, which quickly metastasize. Obvious oncological symptoms help confirm blood cancer - the last stage is characterized by the following symptoms:

Blood cancer in women - how much do they live?

The prognosis for hemoblastoses depends on the degree of distribution of immature leukocytes, the activity of their division and accumulation in tissues. It does not matter what causes blood cancer symptoms in women - how many live with this diagnosis, is determined by the stage of progression of leukemia, its form and nature of the course. At early stages of development of acute pathology, the chances for complete cure are very high, approaching 100%.

If the disease has reached 2-3 phases, the patient is at venerable age or a chronic disease, the 5-year survival rate ranges from 24 to 90%. At 4 stages of hemoblastosis malignant pathology is considered incurable, and the forecasts are disappointing. In this situation, therapy is to maximize the well-being and psychological state.

Blood cancer - symptoms in women, tests

To confirm suspicions of leukemia, the oncologist conducts a physical examination of the patient, collects an anamnesis, then assigns several laboratory and instrumental examinations. To diagnose, considering only the listed symptoms of blood cancer in women, it is impossible. The above signs may also indicate other pathologies of the hematopoiesis system. To identify blood cancer at an early stage is more difficult than determining hemoblastosis in the late phase of progression. To confirm the alleged disease, at all stages the same methods are used.

How is blood cancer diagnosed at an early stage?

First, the specialist directs the patient to hand over the biological fluid for a general and detailed analysis. The first symptoms of blood cancer in women are observed if:

The blood test will not give an exhaustive answer, therefore the oncologist appoints a study of the hemopoietic organ - the bone marrow. To do this, one of the following methods is used:

To determine which form of cancer develops, immunophenotyping is performed. This is a special analysis performed by flow cytometry technology. For maximum informativeness, molecular genetic and cytogenetic studies are carried out. They provide detection of specific chromosomal abnormalities that determine the subtype of leukemia, the degree of its aggressiveness and the rate of progression. Additionally, genetic pathologies are found at the molecular level.

Some oncologists prescribe other diagnostic procedures that help to find tumor cells and neoplasms in the body, assess the degree of damage to internal systems and the growth of metastases: