An intestinal disorder

About 20% of the world's population have a predisposition to frequent violations of digestive processes. An intestinal disorder can have various causes and clinical manifestations, most of which are associated with pathologies of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity. Also, this problem often arises from unexplained factors.

Causes of Intestinal Disease

Usually the pathology under consideration develops against the background of the following diseases and conditions:

It is also often found such a phenomenon as irritable bowel syndrome. The exact causes of this disease are unknown, there are assumptions about its psychogenic nature.

Symptoms of functional bowel disorder

The main clinical signs of the described syndrome:

What can you eat when you have an intestinal disorder?

Unlike other pathologies of the digestive tract, strict diets are not prescribed for this problem. It is important to develop an individual approach - to find out which products produce a negative reaction, and completely exclude them from the diet.

General recommendations:

  1. Eat a little, but 4-5 times a day.
  2. Make a varied menu with enough carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
  3. Chew the food carefully and slowly.
  4. Replace most of the animal fats with vegetable oils.
  5. Refuse sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol and reduce the amount of coffee consumed.
  6. Avoid fried and sharp, too fatty dishes.
  7. Limit the consumption of flour products.
  8. Increase the number of vegetables, cereals, fruits and berries in the diet.
  9. Every day, drink herbal teas.
  10. Consume sufficient fluid.

More detailed instructions for making the menu will give the gastroenterologist after finding out the individual characteristics of the patient.

Medications for bowel disorder

In the treatment of the presented disease, various drugs are used:

1. Spasmolytics:

2. Astringent (for diarrhea):

3. Laxatives (with constipation):

4. Rehydration solutions:

5. Enterosorbents:

In addition, a physician can prescribe antimicrobial tablets from an intestinal disorder to treat a bacterial infection, for example, Levomycetin, Ftalazol, Ersefuril.

In the presence of diseases of the digestive system, which periodically provoke the problem, it is important to first carry out their therapy.