How to treat lactostasis in a nursing mother at home?

As a rule, with every phenomenon like lactostasis in nursing, every mother faces, however, not everyone knows how to treat it at home. This violation is accompanied by stagnation of milk. This is observed in cases where the breasts produce more milk than the baby eats it. This condition is accompanied by an increase and swelling of the chest, there is soreness, the body temperature rises. Lactostasis requires urgent intervention.

What to do with lactostasis at home?

In order to timely respond to this violation, each breast-feeding mother should know how to treat lactostasis at home.

With the primary stagnation of milk, a woman can cope on her own, without leaving home. It is enough to consider the following rules:

  1. Do not let stagnant breast milk. If the baby does not eat it completely, decant.
  2. When feeding, give both breasts.

If lactostasis has already developed, then it is necessary to start treatment at home. At the same time it will help you to cope well:

  1. Warming of the breast, which helps to eliminate blockage of the mammary glands;
  2. Breast massage. At the same time, perform smooth, light massaging movements from the periphery of the chest to the nipple.
  3. Apply the baby more often to the chest.

In addition, when talking about how to treat lactostasis in a nursing mother at home, it is impossible not to mention folk remedies and prescriptions.

Thus, a sheet of fresh cabbage, from which the compress is made, helps to cope with such a disorder. In addition, often used tincture of chamomile flowers, as well as flax seeds, honey. The latter should be used with fear, because the probability of development of allergic reaction at mum is great.

Thus, it is necessary to say that prevention is very important in the treatment of lactostasis, which consists in observing the rules of breastfeeding.