Benefits of avocados for the human body - recipes for use

Some exotic fruits have long become a familiar product for many people. The use of avocado has made it popular among those who monitor their health and figure. In addition, the pulp is suitable for various cosmetic procedures.

Useful properties of avocado

Delicious exotic fruit is very useful for the body and it manifests itself in such properties:

  1. Promotes the purification of blood from "bad" cholesterol.
  2. Increases efficiency and stabilizes the work of the nervous system, so you can cope with stress and fatigue.
  3. The benefits of avocados are evidenced by its ability to normalize the functioning of the circulatory system and reduce the risk of anemia.
  4. Favorably affects the activity of the digestive system, helping to forget about constipation.
  5. Finding out how useful avocados for the human body, it is worth pointing out that the fruits strengthen the immune system, thanks to the presence of ascorbic acid.
  6. Vegetarians use avocados as a substitute for meat, as it is an excellent source of protein.

Avocado Composition

Scientists believe that an exotic fruit must certainly be present in the diet of people, because it is just a storehouse of useful substances. The chemical composition of avocado includes vitamins B , E, A, D, PP, K and C. As for the minerals, their list is also large, the fruit is rich in potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron. There are useful fatty acids, fiber and other important substances in it. As for caloric content, 100 g contain about 208 kcal.

The benefits of avocados for athletes

People who are actively involved in sports should carefully select products for their diet. Many are interested in how useful avocados are for athletes, and so in the composition of this fruit there is L-carnitine - a natural amino acid, which has a strong antioxidant effect. This substance activates fat metabolism and is involved in the metabolism of fats. In addition, the benefit of avocados is that it produces energy and improves the circulation of blood.

Useful properties of avocado for women

There is a special list of properties that will be useful for the fair sex:

  1. In addition to the previously described therapeutic options, the exotic fruit is used as a cosmetic.
  2. The benefits of avocados for women who are breastfeeding, as the fruit saturates the milk with useful substances and can not harm the health of the child.
  3. It is recommended avocado and pregnant, because the composition contains folic acid, important for preventing the development of various pathologies in the fetus.
  4. The fruit contributes to the normalization of the hormonal background and reduces the risk of infertility. It helps to stabilize the menstrual cycle and reduce the manifestations of PMS.
  5. For women, the exotic fruit serves as an aphrodisiac, but for men with frequent use, testosterone levels may decrease.

Avocado for hair

Scientists by research have proved that the presented fruit is a full-fledged nutritional complex necessary for any type of ringlets. The mask of avocado for hair has a moisturizing effect, makes them elastic, supple and healthy. The substances in the fruit contribute to growth, prevent loss, increase resistance to aggressive action and repair damaged tissue. Popular are such recipes:

  1. Classical mask . Convert into pulp pulp combine with olive oil in equal proportions. Apply on strands for 20 minutes.
  2. Moisturizing mask . Connect 4 tbsp. spoons of pulp, 2 tbsp. tablespoons olive oil and two yolks. The mask is kept on the hair for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Nourishing mask . Take 2 large spoons of fruit and aloe juice , and 2 small spoons of lemon juice and chopped oatmeal.

Avocado for the face

Masks, which include the presented exotic fruit, are popular in home cosmetology. With regular use, you can cope with inflammation and eruptions, moisturize and protect from peeling. The use of avocados is to slow the aging process and fight against existing wrinkles. In addition, the fruit pulp accelerates tissue repair and takes part in the production of collagen and elastin.

  1. Mask of avocado for the face for dry skin includes 1 tbsp. a spoon of fruit pulp and warm mashed potatoes, 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 0.5 tbsp. spoons of sour cream. Keep on the face for 15-30 minutes.
  2. For owners of oily skin, there is another recipe, in which 1 tbsp. a spoon of fruit pulp, protein and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply for 15-30 minutes.

Avocado for weight loss

It has already been mentioned that this exotic fruit contains L-carnitine, a substance that activates the process of fat burning. Another benefit of avocados for the human body for weight loss is the presence of monounsaturated fats, which reduce the amount of harmful cholesterol in the body, so that the body will respond better to physical loads and they will become more effective. In the pulp of the fruit is a lot of fiber, which cleanses the intestines and improves the digestive system.

There is a special diet with avocado for weight loss. It can last at least three days, and each person makes a decision on their own, basing on their own state of health. The menu for this method of losing weight looks like this:

  1. Avocados with a diet is used for breakfast in an amount of 0.5 pcs. with a small amount of cottage cheese 5% fat and green tea.
  2. For dinner, prepare a salad consisting of a whole avocado, eggs, greens, hard cheese and cucumber.
  3. Dinner is similar to breakfast, but only tea can be made with natural juice.

Recipes with avocado for weight loss

Tropical fruit is popular with cooks who can offer a huge variety of recipes, starting with main dishes and ending with desserts. For those who are interested in how to properly eat avocados for weight loss, it is worth to clarify that it is possible to cook soups, salads, cocktails, sauces and snacks from it.

  1. During cooking, take into account the fact that when exposed to oxygen, the cleared flesh becomes dark, like an apple, so to preserve an aesthetic appearance, sprinkle it with lemon juice.
  2. To rediscover the taste of this product, use different spices, peppers, honey and citrus.

Avocado Salad for Weight Loss

The most popular dishes among the slimming are salads, the recipes of which are huge. It is important to know what to combine avocados for weight loss, so that it was not only delicious, but also useful. A fruit is often combined with seafood, and such a mixture is considered a Mediterranean classic. You can add it to other vegetables and fruits, that is, experiments are welcome. An example is a diet salad . The energy value of 100 grams of lettuce is 109 kcal.



  1. Peel the cucumber in small pieces. Remove the peel from the avocado and grind it like a vegetable.
  2. Boil hard-boiled eggs and cut them together with cabbage, like other ingredients.
  3. For refueling mix the butter with lemon juice, the amount of which is selected depending on your own taste preferences.
  4. Stir the salad and serve.

Smoothies of avocado for weight loss

The most popular drinks among people who are watching their figure are smoothies. They are prepared from fresh vegetables and fruits, which gives a thick and hearty cocktail. Avocados when losing weight will be an excellent ingredient for such drinks, because it combines perfectly, both with fruits and with vegetables. The density of smoothies can be adjusted by adding non-carbonated water. The presented recipe is calculated on three portions.



  1. The use of avocado for the body in this recipe is enhanced by kiwi, which gives acidity, and a sweet apple. Clear the exotic fruit by removing the stone.
  2. Cut the peel off the apple and kiwi fruit. Cut the fruits in random pieces.
  3. Whisk at medium speed until smooth. If necessary, pour in water and mix again. Keep smoothies is not recommended.

Sandwiches with avocado slimming

For a healthy and hearty snack and breakfast, you can prepare sandwiches that have an unusual taste. Useful properties of avocado for weight loss can be strengthened by other ingredients, for example, cheese, which will be the source of protein. As for bread, then give preference to whole grains or rye. Avocados can be used as slices or as a pasta.



  1. Peel the avocado and cut the pulp with thin slices or mash it with a fork.
  2. Add the toast with cheese and top with avocado. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and you can eat. The calorific value of the sandwich is 145 kcal.