Kefir with buckwheat for weight loss - recipe

In Russia, buckwheat was called food heroes, and the very name "buckwheat", no matter how hard to guess, is due to the country of the "supplier" - Greece. It was there that Greek monks were famous for their ability to grow this cereal. Although, as it turned out, buckwheat - the most unpretentious groats, not requiring even weeding.

In each country this crop is called in various ways - the Greeks call it the "Turkish grain", and the Germans call it "pagan grain". But, nevertheless, everywhere buckwheat enjoys incredible popularity, after all, no matter how we call it, enviable properties can not be hidden.

The most enviable, so to speak, is the property of buckwheat to help our weight loss. Perhaps buckwheat is just the product that you need to "eat to lose weight." And to lose weight was a little more pleasant - it is combined with kefir.

To induce kefir with buckwheat for weight loss, we offer you several weight loss recipes.

The use of buckwheat

According to the protein composition, buckwheat is even compared with meat. Alas, the assimilation of protein from plant foods is much worse than from meat, but still 11 essential amino acids in buckwheat are present.

In addition, buckwheat is a source of fiber, which is capable of miracles in the normalization of the digestive tract. It cleanses it from the most ancient fecal deposits, accelerating peristalsis and providing (due to swelling) satiety for a long time. Buckwheat contains a record among the grains of a set of minerals and boasts a full set of B vitamins.

Also our beloved croup contains flavonoids. In this regard, it normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, is engaged in the prevention of cancer, and also lowers cholesterol and "cleans" the blood vessels.

Weekly diet on buckwheat and kefir

The simplest recipe for a diet with buckwheat and kefir is to consume these foods separately. So, buckwheat in the evening you need to soak with boiling water in a metal or glass container - the proportion of buckwheat and water 1: 3. Pre-buckwheat is preferably washed and selected spoiled grains.

We leave buckwheat for the night in a saucepan wrapped in a towel, and in the morning we wonder how it is "boiled".

Salt, pepper, add anything to buckwheat is prohibited. But you can drink kefir - before and after eating for 30 minutes. A portion of kefir per day is 1 liter, yogurt should be 1-2% no more and no less, since some minimum of fat is still needed.

But the amount of buckwheat per day is not limited.

Buckwheat with yogurt for breakfast

Also there is a recipe for buckwheat, soaked in kefir. This means that in the evening buckwheat should be poured exactly with kefir, and in the morning it should be even more surprising that the buckwheat swells even from a cold lactic acid drink. Proportion - ½ cup of buckwheat and 1 ½ cup kefir.

That's the whole way, how to cook buckwheat with kefir. The sutra should be added to this wild mixture of chopped herbs and eat for breakfast. An hour after breakfast, you must drink a glass of warm water.

This is a course of cleansing breakfasts, which should last 10 days. Then you should definitely take a break, about a month.

Buckwheat with honey for weight loss

Slimming is also suitable for combining buckwheat with honey. The buckwheat itself is prepared in the usual way - we pour water overnight. In the morning before breakfast you need to drink a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey dissolved in it, and then half an hour later start our meal - buckwheat.

The length of this diet is 7 days. Its inherent plus is the absence of sugar starvation that occurs in sweeties that can not be physiologically without anything sweet. In this case, honey will replace not only sugar, but also add vitamins to the diet .