Bronchial cancer - the first symptoms

Doctors usually combine malignant neoplasms of the lungs and bronchi with one term (bronchopulmonary cancer). The fact is that tumors of the respiratory system, as a rule, develop in parallel. It is important to diagnose as early as possible bronchial cancer - the first symptoms of the disease, although similar to other respiratory illnesses, allow you to suspect oncology even at the initial stages of development.

Symptoms of bronchial cancer at an early stage of a general nature

At first, the tumor in the bronchi is small, not more than 3 cm in diameter. There is no metastasis at an early stage.

The general clinical manifestations of malignant neoplasm in the bronchi are the following:

These symptoms are common to many other diseases of the respiratory and nasopharyngeal organs, so it is worth paying close attention to the characteristic signs of the described pathology.

The first specific signs of bronchial cancer at an early stage

In addition to the already mentioned dry painful cough, for oncology of bronchi is very characteristic of pneumonitis - a periodic inflammation of the lung for no apparent reason. It occurs due to inflammation of the bronchial tissues and subsequent infection of the lungs. Simultaneously, atelectasis (stopping air access) of one or more segments of the affected lung takes place, which intensifies the pathological process.

Symptoms of pneumonitis:

With appropriate treatment, the inflammation subsides, and the patient's condition is normalized, but after 2-3 months the pneumonitis resumes. Also among the first signs of bronchial cancer should be noted the progression of cough. After a while, this symptom becomes not so dry, even a small amount of sputum begins to be released. The secretion of the respiratory tract is viscous and difficult to expectorate. With careful visual examination of this mucus, veins or punctures of blood, its clots, are found. In rare cases, sputum is completely dyed, acquiring a pinkish hue.

It is important to remember that the presence of even all of the listed features can not serve as a basis for setting an oncological diagnosis. A number of X-ray studies are required.