"Nuts" with condensed milk - recipe

Sometimes you want some cookies, for example, "nuts" with sweet stuffing. Of course, you can buy ready-made cookies, but any confectionery goodies should be cooked at home by yourself, so we will be sure of the composition and quality of the products used. Here, for example, you can make a sweet shortbread cookie "nutlets" with condensed milk, for this we need a "hazel" - a special pressing metal form for baking. This simple device was extremely popular in the USSR in the 70-90's, molds were usually cast from aluminum.

Recipe for homemade pastry "nuts" with cream of condensed milk


For cream:


We put the jar with condensed milk in a pot of water (the water must completely cover the jar). We will boil the condensed milk on the lowest heat for 3 hours, if necessary, periodically pouring water, so that the jar does not rupture.

Hand knead the dough from sifted flour, eggs, softened butter, sour cream, sugar, soda, extinguished with lemon juice or vinegar. Add vanilla or cinnamon and a little cognac or rum to the dough - this will improve the smell and baking of the dough. The dough is not mixed for long, we place it in the refrigerator for an hour - to distance ourselves.

How to bake cookies nuts?

The mold is slightly heated and oiled from the inside (both parts).

We roll small balls out of the dough, place them in the grooves in the form and clamp-cover the second part of the mold. If the shape design allows, you can simply roll out the pasta-cake from the dough and put it on one part of the mold and press it hard with the upper part.

Bake "nuts" on the burner, setting the shape, like a pan, the fire should be medium or medium-low. Pechem with a flipped form for 2 minutes from each side.

We open the form and see if the cookie has acquired a golden brown tint, so it's ready.

Gently pour the ready halves of "nuts" into a large bowl. Periodically before baking the next batch, you need to lubricate the mold with oil.

When the "shells" cool a little, gently break off the edges of excess.

When the boiled condensed milk becomes not too hot, open the jar and move the contents into a bowl. Add crushed nuts and softened butter. You can season the cream with vanilla or cinnamon and a teaspoon of rum.

"Shell" fill the cream flush and connect with each other. We put the prepared nuts into a dish and put it in the refrigerator - let the cream stiffen a little. After half an hour, soft, sweet homemade nuts with cream of condensed milk can be served to the table. Cookies are served with tea, coffee, cocoa, juices, compotes or milk drinks. Your children, guests and home will be pleasantly pleased with such a dessert, just do not bake a lot, "nuts", as they say, fly away at the time, and sweet and baked is not particularly useful.

Of course, the cream for "nuts" is absolutely optional to make from condensed milk (its taste is not liked by everyone). The cream can be prepared using thick cream, sour cream or yogurt as a basis. The composition of the cream can also include ground nuts, sugar, cocoa and various aromatic flavoring seasonings. To make the cream not from condensed milk to freeze, it is necessary to introduce into its composition a saturated aqueous solution of gelatin or agar-agar.