In which school to give the child?

Sooner or later, the question of how to choose a school for a child becomes acute before all parents. After all, the general education institution is a rather important stage in the life of crumbs: it is there that his personality and views are formed, his skills develop, he accumulates the basic baggage of knowledge. We can say with confidence that thinking now about how to choose a school for a first-grader, parents determine the fate of the offspring.

School: selection criteria

Most often, moms and dads prefer to give the children to an institution in proximity to the place of residence, guided by considerations of convenience. It is enough only to find out which school is attached to the address, that is, to which school the house is attached , and to write a child into it.

However, everything is not so simple. First of all, in the search for a decent school, one should put the interests of one's own child at the head. If your baby works fine figures, it's better to give it to an institution with a mathematical bias. A sports school is suitable for an active and physically developed child. If you want to send a child to a specialized school with high workloads, you need to understand whether the future student is ready for them, whether he will be able to do such a study.

Solving the question of how to choose an elementary school, it is important to find information about the qualifications of teachers, the level of schoolchildren's training from other parents or on the Internet.

Thinking about which school your child should go to, you should also find out about the medical staff available in the school staff who, if necessary, will be able to provide qualified assistance. If you care about the health of a future first-grader, pay attention to the presence in the general education institution of the dining room, in which food is cooked on the spot.

What else is important in choosing a school?

Be sure to find out whether the school is modern, what it is outside and inside, that is, evaluate the level of its equipment: the state of repair, school furniture, whether there is a gymnasium, a modern computer room, and classes for conducting laboratory classes. Examine the school territory, whether it is convenient for outdoor activities and walks during the change.

If both parents work, they should be interested in the availability of prolonged courses and interest groups in the school.

Being in front of choosing which school is the best for your child, do not forget to pay attention to the psychological microclimate in it: your child should be comfortable and comfortable among teachers and other students, which will directly affect the performance.

When discussing which school to give the child, be sure to consider all the pros and cons, and make a measured decision.