Call of Duty

Sometimes each of us feels as if he is obliged to some certain person. But not everyone is able to justify the reasons for this.

A person who constantly feels a sense of duty, reduces self-esteem and a sense of self-worth. Such a person begins to think that it does not mean anything at all, and that parents, friends, company, society, etc. are more important. But each person must live his life brightly and fully. If you constantly waste your energy, time and energy on other people with a sense of accomplishment, it will become simply impossible.

In psychology, a sense of duty is called accepting the duties that a person takes on when entering into relationships with other people. That's just not to be confused with a normal sense of gratitude with a sense of guilt or performing duties for others .

There is a conflict of feeling and duty, when a person believes that if he is in certain relationships with people, then he has something to them. In fact, all problems come from childhood. Many parents present to the child overstated requirements, closely monitor progress, filter friends, force something to do. In a word - constant control. The child's day is painted literally by the hour, and there is practically no time left for games or quiet rest. Such a child will be in a state of constant tension. It will always be afraid to do something wrong, so as not to disappoint your parents. As a result, a person grows up, does not know how to make his own decisions.

How to get rid of a sense of duty?

First of all, you have to decide something. If there are people to whom you really are to blame, just apologize and forget about it. If this is not related to money, it is worth forgetting for such a feeling forever. And then there will be a natural feeling of gratitude and help that will not cause any problems.

Always remember that you never owe anything to anyone, so do not constantly adjust to the opinions of others and fulfill their whims. Everyone should think and realize that only he can make himself happy. Do not try to forcefully make a happy child or someone else.

The struggle between feeling and duty bothers many people.

A sense of duty to parents or loved ones makes us live not at all our lives, but someone else's. What for all time to try and spend the forces to please others? The natural state of aid in the flow will not cause discomfort, while a sense of guilt and fear will stop you all the way to the goal.

The problem of a sense of duty is easily solved, after acceptance and realization of the fact that every person is the conductor of his happiness.

If you still feel a sense of duty, remember that no one but yourself can help you to be happy. Remember that your life is only in your hands.