Mechanisms of memory

We all know perfectly well what memory is , we know very well that without it we would hardly have stretched more than a day and perfectly understand that nature rewarded us with this gift so that all life experience acquired by us did not disappear overnight in the black abyss of timelessness, but served us as the basis of the worldview on which the whole of human life actually rests.

Mechanisms of memory or how does the machine of memories work?

Most of us do not even think about exactly how we remember an event or what kind of memory mechanisms are involved. We are able to memorize the visual image, any audio information in the form of sounds, we can touch the texture of the object, and also be sure that our painful or taste receptors will remind us at the right time about the acidic taste of lemon, or about caution when handling sharp objects. All these gears of human memory mechanisms are spinning for one single purpose: to protect us from all sorts of dangers and maximally prolong our life. It is for this great strategic task that millions of "SMS messages" are sent to the brain, flying from all parts of our body through synoptic neural connections. It is there that all the information obtained is accurately sorted by files and stored in long-term and short-term memory archives, from which at the right time all the information we need is obtained.

How long, shortly ...

Why are some events, for example, an unpleasant conversation with a colleague or a meeting of graduates at the jubilee of the school, we remember long enough, but the moment when a stranger in a blue jacket passed by us, we are able to forget after a few seconds and not remember about him till the end of one's days. The thing is that the mechanisms of long-term and short-term memory that evolved over the course of evolution are coping well with the function of filtering the information received and sorting it according to the degree of importance. Why clog the cell memories unnecessary from a practical point of view information? If we remembered every moment of our life, every step made when walking or every movement we are doing when our hand reaches the remote from the TV, we would go crazy after a few days. A similar database our brain simply switches to automatic mode in order to be able to focus on more important tasks.

Logic or mechanics?

When you try to memorize a text or solve a mathematical problem, all the memorization processes taking place at the moment in your head begin to be divided into logical and mechanical ones. Logical thinking forces you to delve into the meaning of the information provided, and the mechanical is responsible for a clear perception of the visual and auditory components of it. The mechanisms of memory in human psychology, in fact, do not have a clear line between these two directions. It's like comparing the left hand in which we hold the fork, holding a piece of appetizing steak on the plate and the right one trying at the same moment to cut with a knife this masterpiece of culinary art. Both of them are focused on one task: to feed you.

It seems to us that we decide whether or not to keep our memories of this or that event of our perishable life, in reality everything has long been calculated for us. We are much easier to forget about the pain that has been done to us than about the joy that was experienced at the time of the first meeting. Wise nature tries to protect us from negativity and help to find meaning in further existence. That's why she created the bizarre labyrinths of human memory, without which we would hardly be who we are and certainly would not bear the proud title Homo Sapiens.