Uryuk - good and bad

Uryuk is a sort of dried apricots, which unlike the more popular dried apricots, is preserved in the most natural form - along with the stone. Very often, apricots are simply allowed to dry on a tree, and then they are collected and dried. Experts believe that with such a natural drying technology, all vitamins and fresh fruit are preserved. Thanks to this, the apricot has a huge benefit for our body, although it is sometimes harmless.

Useful properties of apricots

The benefit of the apricot for the body lies in its unique biochemical composition, which contains such substances:

The benefit of the apricot for those who want to lose weight is that the vitamin B5 contained in it breaks down fats. Despite the rather high caloric content (240 kcal), it is recommended to use apricot in moderate amounts with a diet, it is also useful for active sports.

Contraindications to the use of apricots

The apricot relaxes the intestines and, if used too actively, can cause diarrhea. Abuse of this dried fruit can cause weight gain, because it contains a large amount of carbohydrates. In moderate doses, the apricot has an exceptionally beneficial effect on the body, can serve as an excellent option for snacking, part of desserts and a component of complex dishes.