Acai berries for weight loss

Brazilian acai berries grow on the palm trees of Asaizero in the tropical forests of Brazil. Outwardly, the berry reminds of either blueberries, or grapes , or blueberry. Asai is a unique product due to its composition and has no analogues in the world.

Acai berry - useful properties

Useful properties of this berry have been discovered quite recently, but what the acai contains is incomparable with any other product. In addition to lipids, beta-carotene, cyanidin, magnesium, zinc, iron and potassium, 100 g of product contains:

Brazilian acai berries for weight loss

The benefit of acai berries for weight loss is that its use greatly speeds up metabolism, improves digestion and replenishes the lack of vitamins and microelements necessary for the full functioning of our body.

Despite the caloric content of Acai in 120 kcal. per 100 g of product, it can be consumed without fear, since the calories of berries consist mainly of high-quality vegetable protein. And, as we know, the protein very well saturates the body, helps in building muscle tissue and, by prolonged digestion, burns calories to make up for the necessary energy costs.

How to take acai berries?

Unfortunately, in order to be able to consume fresh berries, it is necessary to stay in Brazil, so immediately after harvesting, they are usually sent for processing and later on, based on the raw material obtained from the pulp and juice of the acai berries, various preparations and dietary supplements are created.

We have freely available two options - powder and capsules, which contain an extract of Acai berries.

The powder is taken as follows:

The intake of capsules is shown more for recovery and is about 1.8 grams of pure Acai. This is 3 capsules 2 times a day.

Acai berry: contraindications

There are no contraindications to ingestion of acai in reasonable quantities, but one must be careful of those who are allergic to plant pollen . Individual intolerance is also possible, so it is recommended that pregnant and lactating women consult a doctor before taking the drug on the basis of an extract of Acai.