Perfect press

The ideal press is the dream of any girl that can be achieved. If the size of the breasts, the shape of the legs and the volume of the buttocks are given to us by mother nature, and they can be radically changed only surgically, then the belly can be done by absolutely every girl who only wants it.

How to achieve the ideal press?

Ideal press for girls is quite achievable in a relatively short time, especially if there is no excess weight. However, even if it is, you will first need to get rid of it and only then deal with the press (otherwise nobody will see your labors under a layer of fat). Perfect press for a month is difficult to pump up, even with complete absence of problems with excess weight, but for a period of 2 months to six months to achieve excellent results is quite possible.

The program for creating an ideal press at home will consist of several components that should be implemented all at once:

So, if you are sure that you are ready to make a lot of effort, we will consider in more detail how to pump up the ideal press.

Ideal press step by step

Ideal press and figure correction always go hand in hand. If you have excess weight, there is no question of any ideal press. That's why a beautiful press begins with the transition to proper nutrition and aerobic loads, which help reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat, and only then the exercises come into play.

Diet for the ideal press

This is not a diet in the usual sense of the word, but a food system that will allow you not to gain excess weight and actively fight with old fat deposits.

  1. Give up fast food, pizza, dumplings, sandwiches with sausage, any combination of dough and meat.
  2. Combine meat, fish and poultry only with vegetable or cereal garnish.
  3. Do not drink sugary drinks, refuse sugar and cream in coffee and tea.
  4. Give up confectionery. For a dessert, eat jelly, marshmallows, fruits, yoghurts.
  5. Eat 3-5 times a day in small portions (for example, use a salad plate).
  6. Do not drink an hour after a meal.
  7. The last meal - no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

As you can see, nothing is complicated, everything is within reason. Often even this is enough to start losing fat mass, because usually we get a lot of empty calories from sweets and drinks.

The main secret of the ideal press is aerobic load

Be engaged in aerobics, dances, jogs, jumps with a skipping rope not less than 3-4 hours per week, and already in the third week you will notice the result! The main thing is that the classes should be regular. It is this load that allows you to burn excess fat under the skin, which makes your press clearly visible.

Exercises for the ideal press.

The ideal female press is already quite close, it only remains to add a force load. If you want really fast results, do 3-5 times a week:

  1. Torsion of the hoop - if you have a routine, then 25 minutes, and if weighted - 15 minutes.
  2. Simple twisting. Lie on your back, bend your knees, hands behind your head. Tear off the shoulder blades from the floor with the force of the press, making sure that the chin does not touch the breast, but moves away from it to the distance of the fist. Do 3 sets of 15-20 times.
  3. Training of the lower press. Lie on your back, straight legs lift at right angles, hands along the body. Tear off the buttocks from the floor by the force of the press. Do 3 sets of 15-20 times.
  4. Pushups. Strangely enough, but the good old push-ups perfectly help the formation of the press. Press on 10-15 times in 2-3 approaches.

If you simultaneously fulfill all the recommendations, your press will be beautiful in the shortest possible time and will have the ideal shape!