Moroshka - recipes

The peas from the ancient times were handed to the royal table in Russia. After all, it was considered the most useful berry. Indeed, because in her vitamin C times 3 times more than in oranges. She also bypasses carrots according to the content of vitamin C. And this healing berry grows in the north in swamps and in the tundra. Below we will tell you the recipes using this tasty and useful berry.

The recipe for pie with cloudberries



Butter is left at room temperature to make it soft. Then rub it with half the sugar to a homogeneous mass. We pour the sifted flour and baking powder for the dough. Mix, add 1 egg and knead a homogeneous dough. In another container mix sour cream with sugar and the remaining 3 eggs, then add the starch (it will add splendor) and again mix well. Berries of cloudberries are sorted, mine and dried. Form for baking pie oil, spread the dough and form the skirts. We spread cloudberries in an even layer and pour out the fill on top. We send it to a preheated oven and bake for about 1 hour at 180 degrees.

Recipe for wet cloudberry



We are sorting out the berries of cloudberry - we need ripe, but not ripe. The wooden tub is filled with boiling water and put the prepared berries in it. We prepare syrup from water and sugar. After boiling, turn it off, cool it and fill them with berries in a tub. Cover it with a cotton cloth and a wooden lid. We put a tub of cloudberries in the cellar, and after 3-4 months, the wet cloudberry will be ready.

The recipe for cloudberry jam



Berries cloudberries washed, let the water drain. We put them in a saucepan, fall asleep with sugar and leave it till morning. After that, shake the pan well and put it on a small fire. Cook about 20 minutes, during this time the sugar should melt. Then we give the boil to boil and boil for another 10 minutes. All, we pour the jam from cloudberries on jars and roll them.

Recipe for tinctures of cloudberries



We wash the berries, fall asleep with sugar and leave them to let the juice. Add the vodka and leave the days for 7 in a dark place. After a week, tincture is filtered through gauze, folded in several layers, and poured over prepared containers. You can also use honey instead of sugar. Only then the berries are immediately filled with vodka, we insist also for a week, and then we add honey and insist for another day 3.

Recipe for making jelly from cloudberry



We wash the washed berries of cloudberry through a juicer or grind it through a sieve. And put the sugar into the juice, mix it, let it stand until it dissolves and we spread it in jars.

The recipe for jelly from cloudberry



To prepare the jelly, cloudberry berries are pushed, poured hot water and brought to a boil. We hold on a low heat for 10 minutes, after which we grind it through a sieve. In the resulting mass, add the starch dissolved in 100 ml of cold water, sugar and again bring to a boil, stirring. Cool the jelly and pour on the cups.