Mustard for losing weight

Those who are not indifferent to the problem of excess weight, know perfectly well that in the fight against it the people's means are very helpful. But very few people know that such a spice as mustard, serves not only as an excellent addition to many dishes, but also contributes to getting rid of excess weight. Losing weight with the help of mustard is available to everyone, thanks to the democratic price and the absence of contraindications, except personal intolerance. We picked up for you some of the most effective recipes for weight loss with the use of mustard.

Wrap with mustard slimming

Wraps using various ingredients - this is one of the best ways to deal with extra pounds, and they can be done at home. Combinations when wrapping honey and mustard for weight loss gives excellent results, because mustard has a warming effect and enhances blood circulation, and honey - actively combats cellulite and has a beneficial effect on the elasticity and softness of the skin.

So, warm up a half glass of honey a little on the steam bath. Spread a tablespoon of mustard with water to make a consistency of thick sour cream. Combine honey and mustard, you can add a little olive oil to them, and rub this mixture into problem areas with massage movements. After that wrap the body with film, wrap it warmer and lie down for 15-20 minutes. Then remove the film and take a shower.

Note that for weight loss can be used and dry mustard, the effect will not be worse. The mask for losing weight from mustard and honey is worth making courses: either three days in a row, then a break for three days, and then repeat the course again, or at intervals every other day for two weeks.

Bath with mustard slimming

Another good and pleasant way to lose weight is to take a bath with mustard. To do this, you just need to dilute 100 grams of medium-sprung mustard in a glass of warm water, and pour this mixture into a tub with well-warm water. Take a bath should be for 10 minutes, then take a shower without soap, wipe with a towel and dress in warm clothes.

In order for the procedure to pass successfully it is worth remembering some rules: do not eat one hour before and after taking a bath , be in the water only in your underwear, and if you feel unwell, then stop the procedure immediately. It is not recommended to take a bath with mustard for people with cardiovascular diseases, as well as pregnant and lactating women.