Transplanting strawberries in summer

You can do strawberry transplantation both in the early autumn and in the summer. The very process of strawberry transplantation in the summer is not much more difficult, but requires some additional knowledge. In this article, we will review the basic rules and advice of experienced truck farmers.

Can I change the strawberries in the summer?

Beginners in garden business do not always dare to engage in planting or planting plants in summer, for fear of ruining seedlings. Because the question is whether it is possible to transplant the strawberries in the summer, it is natural that sooner or later any summer resident appears. Meanwhile, to engage in strawberry rejuvenation in the summer is completely permissible, the main thing is to do it in the right time, suitable weather and according to all the rules. But not every bush is worth disturbing. The point is that you should engage in strawberry transplant only when the mother's bush is ready for this. To understand, after how many years to replant strawberries, you should familiarize yourself with the features of this plant.

In the first year after planting the seedlings, the strawberry adapts itself to gain strength so that the next season will please you with an abundant harvest. And then in two years you will be able to harvest berries. In three years the bush becomes old and the fruiting is greatly reduced, here it is time to engage in a transplant.

You can transplant strawberries in the summer and rejuvenate the mother's bush, but it should be done correctly. Below we will consider the basic rules and subtleties of this case.

How to transplant a strawberry in the summer?

So, to begin with, you should wait until the harvest is over. To prepare and choose a bush should also be right. Different varieties give different numbers of shoots. If the variety you choose is valuable and there is a desire to multiply it, leaves only two or three shoots. A larger amount will simply deplete the mother bush.

As soon as the fruiting is over, we begin to feed the young. At this very time you choose strong bushes and leave a few powerful shoots on them. Experienced summer residents always adhere to two basic rules: never work on a hot day and choose exceptionally strong and well-rooted bushes.

Now consider the basic tips on how to transplant the strawberries in summer:

Before transplanting strawberries in the summer, the selected site is dug and fertilized. The best additives will be either the overgrazed manure or compost. Then again they dig the site and begin the landing.

Prepare not only the soil, but wells for each bush. This preparation is to choose the right size: the depth should be sufficient so that the roots can hang freely. Between plantings, the distance is about 40 cm. Once the hole is ready, it is watered abundantly and the bush is immediately planted.

As for the planting material, it must be freshly digested. Do not allow roots to dry out. Two bushes are planted in each landing pit. Never bury them too deep to avoid decay. Next, you should take extra care in the first few weeks and prepare properly for the winter .