Compote of quince

Quince is a very peculiar fruit. It is too hard to eat raw. But compotes and jam from quince are simply incomparable! Her oriental fragrance, which immediately resurrects the memories of a hot summer even in the snowiest winter, does not confuse anything. This relative of apples and pears is rich in vitamin C, so it is able to support our immunity in the cold-slushy period. Quince is all good, just clean and cut it, that the wood is stabbed - a purely male occupation. And if you managed to do this, then make compotes according to our recipes will not be difficult!

The recipe for compote from quince



I wash mine, with the help of a brush, we remove the "fluff". With the kollem fruit on 4 parts, cut out the core with the seeds. Cut the quince into smaller pieces and throw it into a pot of boiling water. We fall asleep sugar (who loves a messenger, can increase its number by 2 times). Close the lid and reduce the heat to a minimum, cook for 5 minutes. Ready to compote, we insist 15-20 more minutes. If desired, you can add half a cinnamon. To drink compote from quince is better chilled.

Compote of quince for the winter



I wash mine, carefully cut out the core with seeds - it remains firm even after prolonged cooking. Minutes 15 dig into quince in boiling water, add sugar, citric acid to taste. Let's boil again and then we pour the compote on sterile cans. We roll up the metal covers, turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a warm blanket. And when the compote is cooled, we remove the banks in the dark pantry - until the winter!

Compote of quince and apples



We clean the willow, cut into slices and throw it into salted water so that the fruits do not darken (for 2 liters of water, 1 tablespoon of salt). In the meantime, let's do the apples. We clean them from the peel and seeds, cut into slices and dip them for 4 minutes into boiling water. After catching and lay out on sterile cans. Aivu is washed and also boiled for 10 minutes, and then - in the jars. Sugar is dissolved in water, brought to a boil and pour this syrup on our compote. That's all the compote of apples with a quince is ready! We tighten the cans, and when we are cool, we hide it for storage.

How to brew compote from quince and raisins?



Raisins are washed, scalded with boiling water and spread on cans. We prepare the quince in the same way as in the previous recipe, and then boil 10 minutes until soft and - into the jars. In the water, where it was boiled, dissolve sugar and citric acid. We boil the syrup and pour in the fruit. Banks roll up with metal covers.

Compote of peaches and quince for a child



We divide the quince into quarters, clean it and throw it into the salted water. Fruits of peaches are scalded with boiling water, we remove peel from them and remove pits. We cut it into large lobules and spread it along the banks. Aivu rinse with running water and boil for 10 minutes. We also put it in the banks. Bring to a boil sugar syrup and pour fruit. After that, you just have to roll up the compote.

How to prepare compote from quince and cornelian in Abkhazian?



We clean the ave, cut it and put it in the jar. Add the washed dogwood. Fill with boiling sugar syrup, cover with a lid and leave for a day. After the syrup is drained, boil for 40 minutes and then poured into a jar. Now it can already be rolled up for the winter.