Cellulite in thin

With the word "cellulite", there is instant association with excess weight, but not everything is so obvious here. On your probable question whether there is cellulite in thin, we are forced to respond positively.


Cellulite is not a consequence of excess weight . The reason - in the uneven distribution of fatty subcutaneous deposits. Subcutaneous fat is absolutely in all people, it is necessary for life, that's why thin girls with cellulite are not uncommon.

So, the fat under your skin is unevenly distributed, why? There are so many possible options, we will consider the most "popular" ones.

1. Unbalanced food . A lot of skinny girls use their accelerated metabolism and eat, which is horrible, they say, and so will not get better. You will not get well, but all the harmful food causes violations of fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, excess fluid is not excreted in the proper volume from the body, and with it detained and decomposition products - toxins and wastes. All this stuff is "stored" under your skin, and directly "bulges" in some places.

Solution: stop eating, horrible. Understand that everything has to be paid for and if the price is not excessive kilograms, then the orange peel is also a weighty payment for pampering.

2. Violations of the regime of the day . Night "cramming" or overtime work, sitting in "in contact" and "facebook" until dawn, and all this is drunk coffee. It would seem, and here is cellulite in lean and nocturnal gatherings? However, this way of life you exhaust, wear out your nervous system, and she, working with malfunctions, does not give a normal "live" to all other organs and systems.

Solution: your daily sleep should consist of 7-8 hours, getting up after dinner is not very useful, even if you are not a lark. In addition, sitting for hours on the computer, your body is immobile, and the muscles in constant tension - this is from the monotony of the pose. The seat is a friend of cellulite .

3. Harmful habits . Smoking helps to lose weight only in words, in gossips and conversations in the smoking room. Yes, if you get lung cancer, you will certainly lose weight, but until then, smoking and alcohol will inevitably disrupt the entire vital activity of your body. It's banal, but it's a common reason for cellulite in thin people.

4. Hormonal failures . Here everything is much more complicated, because you can not cope with hormones, changing your diet and stopping smoking. Hormonal disruptions are incredibly often the cause of the appearance of cellulite on thin legs. After all, the way subcutaneous fat is distributed is a consequence of the female nature and hormones. We need fat in these places. But even.

Failures can occur during puberty in adolescents - the effects of maturation are almost all girls in the form of stretch marks or in the form of cellulite. In addition, oral contraceptives also do not contribute to the proper operation of the ovaries, because their function is the inhibition of the production of sex hormones.

Female failures also occur during menopause and during pregnancy. So it turns out that women throughout their life are under the sights of cellulite.

5. Problems with the thyroid gland . Hormones are produced not only in the ovaries, but also in the thyroid gland, and therefore, does not prevent the trip to the endocrinologist. Although doctors should be treated only when you are confident that you are eating, balanced, actively moving, do not smoke or drink, and also sleep enough. Until these root causes you yourself are not "sifted out," no one will help you.

If you are interested in more specific ways how to get rid of cellulite from thin people, then wraps, massage, lymph drainage, special physical exercises for problem zones can come to the rescue. In any case, no matter what size of clothes you wear, the fight will not be easy.