Lucky Tattoo

Tradition to apply to the skin drawings that carry the information load and as an amulet , went back to the time of the existence of the first tribes, as a unit of society. It was believed that all living beings in the world are under the auspices of deities, who guard and help in every possible way. It is with the goal of approaching the patronage and benevolence of the power of deities, people applied to the skin images of animals and plants. It was believed that if a person has an image, of any living creature, then the Higher Power will perceive it in the form of this creation.

The times of the tribal system have long since passed, but the desire to protect themselves and at the same time to decorate with the help of the drawing remained and was firmly rooted. A variety of techniques, drawings and colors today can satisfy the most sophisticated aesthetic request. There are many masters of tattoo, rightly called the professionals of their craft. They will help the potential client to decide on the choice of tattoo for luck, the place of its application and further care.

Tattoo for luck and wealth

  1. One of the mass of existing symbols that bring luck and wealth to the owner is an acorn. Acorn symbolizes the power, health and strength of the father's tree. In addition, it is considered a sign of fertility, immortality, youth and courage.
  2. The next tattoo that brings good luck is a star image.
  3. According to old beliefs, it was believed that at birth a person enlists the protection of his travel star. She protects, protects and leads the ward on the right path, not letting him descend. The star personified a kind of universal mystery and could reward with reason and chastity. In order to establish a strong connection with the conductor, people portrayed the star on the body in all its variations.
  4. As it is not surprising, but for material prosperity and good luck, ancestors painted on the skin of the skull. This tradition originated in tribes, in which it was customary to preserve and use the skulls of relatives and revered tribesmen as a totem, protecting from evil forces and multiplying material energy.
  5. The image of four-leafed clover is also a symbol of luck and wealth. After all, an old legend says that anyone who finds a four-leafed plant of this species on the clover field will become successful and rich.

Tattoo for luck and happiness

Drawings that can bring happiness to their carrier are:

  1. Dogs - for the image of a friend of a man to carry only a positive meaning, it must be competently chosen, because the dog is different from the dog. Dogs of wrestling breeds with aggressive grin are considered an indicator of the hidden presence of the owner is not the most friendly character and a tendency to aggression. Lovely doggies are a sign of openness, devotion and the ability to see happiness in simple things.
  2. The next symbolic picture of happiness and luck is widely known and often used is a horseshoe. Horseshoe hanged in the house above the front door or carried with them for good luck and this attracted happiness to home and life. Exactly the same meaning is inherent in the figure in the form of a horseshoe.