Liquor Baileys at home

Many fans love to sip the original drinks "with a degree" for sure there was a question - how to make Bailey at home? In this there is nothing complicated - the creamy taste of classic liquor is very simple to reproduce.

In fact, the real Irish Baileys is a combination of cream, whiskey and alcohol. But at home an analogue of this rather expensive liquor can be made from vodka, milk and condensed milk, the taste is very similar. Ingredients can vary depending on what exactly home prescription Beiliz you prefer. In addition to the traditional Baileys Original, there are also variations with chocolate, coffee, mint and caramel flavor.

A pure liqueur will please only the notorious sweet tooth - it has too rich taste. With Beiliz prepare a variety of cocktails, it is drunk with ice, added to coffee or tea. Among the cocktail classics can be attributed also Baileys with milk.

By the way, Baileys can also be used in cooking - cook cakes, desserts with it, and use it as ice cream topping.

Preparing Baileyz

First of all, it is necessary to master the recipe for the preparation of classical Beiliz. Based on the basic composition, you can experiment and, in the end, will know how to do Bailey, which is right for you.

It is easiest to use vodka for Baylis preparation, however, if possible, cook with whiskey or cognac. In this case, the taste of the hand made liqueur will be closer to the original. Some sources suggest adding home whiskey and whiskey, and alcohol - but by adhering to such a recipe, you risk overdoing the strength of the drink.

Home liqueur Baileys



Whisk the cooled cream with vanilla sugar, after 5-10 minutes add condensed milk, again whisk. We add vodka, mix it, insist about 1.5 hours. After that, Bailey should be cool.

In order to whisk all the ingredients for home Beiliz, it is best to use a mixer or blender.

Chocolate Baileys



Chase the chocolate in a water bath. Cream beat with sugar for 5-10 minutes, then add the melted chocolate, condensed milk, again mix everything (using a mixer or blender). After - we add vodka, we insist about 1.5 hours and can be served to the table or added to baking.

Coffee Baileys



Whisk the cream with vanilla sugar, then add condensed milk and coffee, mix, pour in vodka. We insist 1,5 hours and enjoy the coffee liqueur.

Baileys "Mint Chocolate"



We cook the same way as the chocolate Baileys - but while the chocolate is languishing in a water bath, we add a couple of mint sprigs to it. Do not forget to get them out of the drink when you mix all the other ingredients.

By the way, in many recipes cooking homemade Beiliz often use whipped egg yolks. They give the drink a thicker, more intense cream shade, but this formulation is far from the original.

Also, the home Bailey is well combined with spices, for example - cinnamon, badyan, cardamom, orange peel. You can use and natural vanilla, in this case, vanilla sugar should be replaced by ordinary or cane.