How to become independent?

Fundamentals of independence are laid down in childhood, but if this did not happen, in the matter of how to become an independent girl, our advice will help.

Towards independence

If you have firmly decided for yourself to gain independence, start:

  1. If it happened that neither mother nor grandmother taught you to cook, learn it yourself. By the way, women willingly share their cooking experience, so a request to give a recipe for a particular dish will not cause any unusual reactions, and on the Internet today you can find master classes where the process of this or that dish is shown in stages. Of course, the ability to find not immediately, but the victory will come necessarily.
  2. Do not ponder for a long time how to become independent, but rather sign up for needlework courses, learning a foreign language online or even some.
  3. Learn how to manage your own money, as rarely as possible, in case of problems, to help relatives. If the money is over, it's better to borrow from friends, co-workers, girlfriends and give yourself too - this will help you learn how to manage money and will help you understand how to become more independent.
  4. Get indoor plants and take care of them yourself. Do not have the skills - learn: at your service books, neighbors and relatives, flower growers, the Internet .
  5. Take patronage over pets: feed them, take care of them.

And, of course, you need to understand how to become more independent if you live together or next to parents who are used to taking care of you, forgetting that you are already out of childhood.

Try not to agree with what relatives offer, if it's about your life. The first "mutiny on the ship" will, of course, end in scenes and parental tears, but if you really want to become independent, do not be afraid of conflicts: parents love you, eventually they will understand everything.