Chereda - medicinal properties and contraindications

One of the most famous medicinal plants is the turn - the medicinal properties and contra-indications of this plant have been studied in ancient China and Tibet. There are different kinds of this herb. But the most useful for the human body is the tripartite sequence, which has a specific smell and bitter taste.

Useful properties of the sequence

The grass of the turn has many healing properties, as it includes:

This plant has a beneficial effect on the nerve cells of the brain and has a calming effect. It allows you to quickly reduce blood pressure, normalize the nervous system and the heart. The sequence has a diuretic effect, and also has excellent antimicrobial, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

The preparations made with this herb improve:

Thanks to the oils included in the plant, the string promotes rapid healing of purulent wounds and has an expectorant property, so it facilitates breathing.

Applying a sequence

Eliminating the pruritus with allergies is one of the medicinal properties of the string, and if you do not have contraindications to its use, you can use a decoction from this herb to make with it lotions when an allergic rash occurs.

The recipe for broth



Pour raw materials with boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. After cooling, strain well.

With allergies, tincture of the turn can not be used - alcohol destroys all the medicinal properties of this plant.

Lotion with a decoction of it is treated and various skin diseases:

Baths with decoction are very useful for the skin, since the healing properties of the string include the fact that it improves blood circulation and eliminates even severe inflammation.

For the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system (for example, hypertension, anemia, atherosclerosis) and respiratory diseases it is better to use infusion with such grass. You can get rid of them and headaches.

Recipe for infusion



Grind the string and pour it with warm water in a thermos. After 12 hours, the infusion is ready for use.

Extract of this herb has excellent anti-inflammatory and bactericidal medicinal properties, therefore, in the absence of contraindications, it is used in gynecology for the treatment of any inflammation of the genital organs. Baths with such a product will help with excessive sweating of the feet. When biting poisonous insects or snakes to the skin, you need to attach the frayed leaves of the string. These compresses quickly and efficiently clean the wound from purulent contents and will contribute to an early healing.

Therapeutic properties of the string for the skin of the face are that it is capable of toning and soothing the skin after various injuries. Decoction of such a grass for a short period of time eliminates and peeling.

Contraindications to the use of the sequence

The grass of the turn has not only healing properties, but also contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to take it under the age of 12 and pregnant, since they can provoke:

When taking drugs with it, you can not exceed the dosage. This can lead to a violation of the stool and a drop in blood pressure.

The use of other species of the sequence, other than trifid, for medicinal purposes is not allowed. They can lead to severe poisoning.