Canned corn in beans at home

Today we will tell you how to preserve corn in beans at home. It is used to prepare various dishes or served as snacks.

Canned corn recipes at home



First we prepare the cans for conservation: carefully wash them and sterilize them . Corn cobs are processed, remove the leaves and take out carefully all the grains. After that, blanch them in boiling water, having laid out in a colander, about 3 minutes. In parallel with this, we prepare the filling: we mix salt with sugar in hot water. Hot cans are filled with corn kernels, poured brine, covered with lids and sterilized for at least 3 hours. After that, immediately roll up the jars and turn them over.

Canned corn recipe



Corn is processed and freed from leaves. In a large pot, pour water, boil it and carefully lowered the cleaned cobs. Blanch them for a few minutes, and then remove and cool, rinsing with cold water. After that, carefully separate the grains from the cob, using a knife. Banks in advance carefully washed and impose corn kernels. Now pour all the boiling water, cover it with lids and leave it for exactly 10 minutes. After that, the liquid is poured into a saucepan, boiled and re-filled the seeds for 10 minutes. Then we simply pour out the water and proceed to prepare the marinade. To do this, pour filtered water into the pan, bring it to a boil, pour fine salt, sugar, pour vinegar and mix well, until all the crystals have dissolved completely. Ready to boil marinade pour the cans, roll them with a special key, turn over and always check for leaks. If desired, cover the workpiece with a warm blanket and after cooling we rearrange the canned corn in a cool place.

Prescription of canned corn grains with citric acid



We clean out the heads and wash them properly. Then we spread them on the bottom of the bowl of the multivark, fill everything with cold water and throw a spoonful of shallow salt. Turn on the "Varka" program for 30 minutes and close the lid. After a sound signal, we cool the head, sending them under a stream of cold water. Without wasting time, select the "Steam" mode on the display and sterilize the jars for about 5 minutes. From the cooled cobs, carefully peel off all the seeds with a knife and thoroughly wash them. Separately, bring to a boil clean water and pour the grains, laid out in prepared banks. Cover them with lids and give them brew for about 5 minutes. Then in the broth, where the corn was boiled, we throw sugar and a little lemon acid. You can add a little more salt to taste. Boil the brine in the "Varka" mode for 5 minutes, leaving the laurel leaf and fragrant pepper for flavor. And this time, gently drain the corn from the water and again pour it with boiling water. Again, leave the minutes for 10 under the covered lid. Now pour out the water and fill the corn with boiling brine. We roll up the banks and stewimi under the blanket, leaving it there until it cools down completely. That's all, canned corn is ready! It can be used as a snack or added to soups or salads.