Chlamydia - treatment at home

Chlamydia is a disease that can be called a lack of modern morals. It seems to be quite serious: if you do not treat chlamydia, the consequences can be the saddest. This disease is especially dangerous for women of reproductive age who plan pregnancy. Chlamydia is a common cause of infertility , as well as early termination of pregnancy, premature birth, infection of the fetus. The consequences of the disease can be very diverse, not only local, so the question of whether to treat chlamydia is not worth it.

How correctly to treat a clamidiosis?

What drugs should be treated for chlamydia should be decided by a specialist, after a complete diagnosis. After the delivery of tests and examination, doctors prescribe a whole range of drugs and recommendations:

Diet in the treatment of chlamydia is the rejection of dairy and fermented milk products, alcohol, it is also not recommended to smoke. An extensive range of drugs in the treatment of chlamydia is necessary to increase the chances of recovery, since chlamydia are insidious parasites, and especially in chronic form, are able to hide from antibiotics.

Chlamydia: treatment at home

In the fight against this disease, all methods are good, so additional treatment for chlamydia at home also gives its results. There are many recipes for the treatment of herbal chlamydia.

For example, grass borovaya uterus has established itself as a reliable tool in the fight against many female ailments. It is effective in chlamydia.

The recipe is quite simple: 100 gr. herbs are poured with 0.5 liters of alcohol or cognac, then insist 7-10 days. The resulting tincture can be used for 0.5-1 tsp. 3-4 times a day.

The course of treatment with folk recipes, of course, is much longer, but it does not lack its advantages. For example, garlic is known and available to everyone, and its medicinal properties can not be reminded. Many recipes for taking in, as well as garlic syringings find their application in the fight against chlamydia.

Everyone chooses the most acceptable way of treatment, the main thing is not to forget that if you do not treat chlamydia, the consequences can be irreversible.